import * as PIXI from"./pixi.min" import {TweenMax, TimelineLite} from "./TweenMax.min" import GD from "./human" var {pixelRatio, windowWidth, windowHeight} = wx.getSystemInfoSync() var gWidth = windowWidth * pixelRatio var gHeight = windowHeight * pixelRatio var gc = { loader:null, stats:null, width:gWidth, height:gHeight, stage:null, intro:null, tutorial:null, game:null }; gc.MovieClip = function(fileName, start, end, speed, repeat) {, this.getRepeatTexture(fileName, start, end, repeat)); this.animationSpeed = speed;; }; gc.MovieClip.constructor = gc.MovieClip; gc.MovieClip.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.extras.AnimatedSprite.prototype); gc.MovieClip.prototype.setAnimation = function(fileName, start, end, speed, repeat){ this.textures = this.getRepeatTexture(fileName, start, end, repeat); this.animationSpeed = speed; }; gc.MovieClip.prototype.getRepeatTexture = function(fileName, start, end, repeat){ var textures = []; var i = repeat || 1; while(i--){ textures = textures.concat(this.getTexture(fileName, start, end)); } return textures; }; gc.MovieClip.prototype.getTexture = function(fileName, start, end){ start = start || 1; var textures = [], i = end - start + 1, j = start; while(i--) { if(j < 10){textures.push(PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(fileName + '0' + j + '.png'));} else {textures.push(PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(fileName + j + '.png'));} j++; } return textures; }; gc.MovieClip.prototype.updateTransform = function() {; }; gc.NumberText = function(fileName, align, space, iconName, iconAlign, strLen) { this.CENTER = 'center'; this.RIGHT = 'right'; this.value = 0; this.isChange = false; this.list = []; this.tmpList = []; this.fileName = fileName; this.align = align; = space; this.iconName = iconName; this.iconAlign = iconAlign; this.strLen = strLen; this.icon = null;; this.container = new PIXI.Container(); this.addChild(this.container); this.setValue(0); }; gc.NumberText.constructor = gc.NumberText; gc.NumberText.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Container.prototype); gc.NumberText.prototype.setValue = function(value){ this.value = value; this.isChange = true; }; gc.NumberText.prototype.getNumberSprite = function(num){ var sprite, name = this.fileName + num + '.png'; if(this.tmpList.length > 0){ sprite = this.tmpList.shift(); sprite.texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(name); }else{ sprite = PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame(name); } return sprite; }; gc.NumberText.prototype.removeAll = function(){ var txt, i = this.list.length; while(i--){ txt = this.list.shift(); this.tmpList.push(txt); } if(this.container) this.container.removeChildren(); }; gc.NumberText.prototype.updateTransform = function() { if(this.isChange){ this.removeAll(); var numStr = this.value.toString(); if(this.strLen) numStr = Util.zeroStr(this.value, this.strLen); var index = 0, txt, space = 0, i = numStr.length; if(this.iconName){ if(!this.icon) this.icon = PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame(this.iconName + '.png'); this.container.addChild(this.icon); if(this.iconAlign == 'left'){ space += this.icon.width +; } } while(i--){ txt = this.getNumberSprite(parseInt(numStr.substr(index, 1))+1); txt.x = space; space += txt.width +; index++; this.container.addChild(txt); this.list[i] = txt; } if(this.iconAlign == 'right'){ this.icon.x = space; space += this.icon.width +; } if(this.align == this.CENTER){ this.container.x = -space/2; }else if(this.align == this.RIGHT){ this.container.x = -space; } this.isChange = false; }; }; gc.GameScene = function(){; this.lastEventTime = undefined; //Time the click occurred //120 this.cookieMatrixPos = [[75,550], [170,550], [265,550], [360,550], [455,550], [550,550], [645,550], [75,645], [170,645], [265,645], [360,645], [455,645], [550,645], [645,645], [75,740], [170,740], [265,740], [360,740], [455,740], [550,740], [645,740], [75,835], [170,835], [265,835], [360,835], [455,835], [550,835], [645,835], [75,935], [170,935], [265,935], [360,935], [455,935], [550,935], [645,935], [75,1030], [170,1030], [265,1030], [360,1030], [455,1030], [550,1030], [645,1030], [75,1125], [170,1125], [265,1125], [360,1125], [455,1125], [550,1125], [645,1125]]; this.cookieNumMatrix = []; this.cookieMatrix = []; this.itemEffectMc = []; this.bombAnerge = 0; this.bombfull = 50; this.fixArr1 = []; this.fixArr2 = []; this.readytxt = true; this.starttxt = false; this.playGame = false; this.addPoint = 0; this.itemIndex = undefined; this.itemIndex1 = undefined; this.itemIndex2 = undefined; this.itemIndexes = []; this.canClick = false; this.hint = []; this.giveHint = false; this.bundle = []; this.prestageMode = 'normal'; this.stageMode = 'normal'; this.chance = 60; this.useItem = false; this.remembers = [];//Store cookies like items this.combo = 0; this.restComboTime = 0; this.lastTime = undefined; this.totalCombo = 0; //Combo 3 times or more .. Medal 1, Combo 100 times or more .. Medal 4 this.champagneCombo = 0; //Champagne 10 times .. Medals 2 this.bombCombo = 0; //Bomb item 10 times .. Medals 3 this.getMedal1 = false; this.getMedal2 = false; this.getMedal3 = false; this.getMedal4 = false; this.callfevercnt = 0; this.lastEnd = false; //To prevent timeup if last fang this.bumpscale = 0.01; this.pauseMode = false; this.pauseTime = 0; this.exceptSound = false; //During mode change = To inform the fiver sound only once when using the item }; gc.GameScene.constructor = gc.GameScene; gc.GameScene.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Container.prototype); gc.GameScene.prototype.init = function() { this.readytxt = true; this.starttxt = false; this.declareObjects(); this.setBG(); this.readyGame(); this.fever = setInterval(this.setFever.bind(this), 33.333); this.test = true; this.explode(); this.stageMode = 'fever'; this.actFever(); //Make a one-time call to resolve the bug in the first peer //Return to default mode this.stageMode = 'normal'; this.normalMode(); }; //Create Object gc.GameScene.prototype.declareObjects = function () { this.bomb = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame('bomb_0001.png'); this.bombgauge = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame('bomb_gauge_bar_0001.png'); this.chanceImg= new gc.NumberText('score_num_', 'center', -4); this.readyBG = new PIXI.Sprite(GD.loader.resources['ready_bg'].texture); this.readyImg = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame('ready_0001.png'); this.startImg = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame('start_0001.png'); this.gameoverImg = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame('gameover.png'); for(var i=0; i 6){ this.scanIndex = i; this.useItem = true; if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == 10) {this.actBomb(i);} else if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == 9) {this.actEqual(i);} else if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == 8) { this.crossIndex = i; this.actCross(i); } break; } else {count++;} } if(count == this.cookieNumMatrix.length) { this.itemOver = true; this.checkMatching3(); } }; //게임오버=========================================================================================================== gc.GameScene.prototype.setGameOver = function(){ this.canClick = false; this.playGame = false; this.checkLeftItem(); if(this.lastEnd) { this.timeup.anchor.set(0.5); this.timeup.position.x = this.gameBG.width / 2; this.timeup.position.y = GD.height/2+50; this.timeup.scale.x = 0; this.timeup.scale.y = 0; this.addChild(this.timeup); GD.soundPlay('sound_momotime'); this.canClick = false; this.removeChild(this.hintMc1); this.removeChild(this.hintMc2); if (this.real1 != undefined) {this.real1.alpha = 1;} if (this.real2 != undefined) {this.real2.alpha = 1;} this.reachmax = false; this.incdgree = 0.15; this.stageMode = 'momotime'; this.playGame = false; this.otherMode(); this.actfeverEffect(); this.momotime = setInterval(this.showMomoTime.bind(this), 33.333); } else {//아이템이 없으면 모모타임 이미지, 소리 없이 끝내기 this.lastPang(); } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.checkLeftItem = function () { this.lastEnd = false; for(var i=0; i7) { this.lastEnd = true; } } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.showMomoTime = function () { if(this.reachmax && this.timeup.scale.x <= 1) { this.incdgree = 0; setTimeout(this.delay.bind(this), 1000); clearInterval(this.momotime); } if(this.timeup.scale.x >= 1.3){ this.incdgree *= -1; this.reachmax = true; } this.timeup.scale.x += this.incdgree; this.timeup.scale.y += this.incdgree; }; gc.GameScene.prototype.delay = function () { this.dropmomotime = setInterval(this.dropMomoTime.bind(this),33.333); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.dropMomoTime = function () { this.timeup.scale.y = 1.2; this.timeup.position.y += 70; if(this.timeup.position.y >= gc.height+this.timeup.height){ this.removeChild(this.timeup); //모모타임이 되고 나서 제일 첫 lastpang this.lastPang(); clearInterval(this.dropmomotime); } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.setScore = function(){ this.scoreTxt.x = 355; this.scoreTxt.y = 45; this.scoreTxt.scale.x = 0.8; this.scoreTxt.scale.y = 0.8; this.score = 0; this.scoreTxt.setValue(this.score); this.shadowContainer.addChild(this.chanceImg); this.shadowContainer.addChild(this.scoreTxt); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.setBomb = function() { this.bomb.anchor.set(0.5); this.bomb.x = 69; this.bomb.y = 211; //this.bomb.alpha = 0; this.bombgauge.anchor.x = 0.5; this.bombgauge.anchor.y = 1; this.bombgauge.position.x = 69; this.bombgauge.position.y = 448; this.addChild(this.bombgauge); this.addChild(this.bomb); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.setCookies = function() { for(var i=0; i= 5) { if (!this.giveHint && this.playGame) this.showHint(); } }else{ if(this.pauseTime == 0) this.pauseTime = now; } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.findHint = function () { var temp = undefined; var index = undefined; var check1 = undefined; var check2 = undefined; this.hint = []; //오른쪽 맨 끝 열은 체크안해도 됨 for(var i=0; i<6; i++){ for(var j=0; j<7; j++){ index = i + j*7; temp = this.cookieNumMatrix[index]; this.cookieNumMatrix[index] = this.cookieNumMatrix[index+1]; this.cookieNumMatrix[index+1] = temp; check1 = this.checkMatching1(); this.cookieNumMatrix[index+1] = this.cookieNumMatrix[index]; this.cookieNumMatrix[index] = temp; if(check1) this.hint.push([index, index+1]); } } //맨 아래 행은 체크 안해도 됨 for(var i=0; i<7; i++){ for(var j=0; j<6; j++){ index = i+ j*7; temp = this.cookieNumMatrix[index]; this.cookieNumMatrix[index] = this.cookieNumMatrix[index+7]; this.cookieNumMatrix[index+7] = temp; check2 = this.checkMatching1(); this.cookieNumMatrix[index+7] = this.cookieNumMatrix[index]; this.cookieNumMatrix[index] = temp; if(check2) this.hint.push([index, index+7]); } } //맞춰지는 블럭 없을 때 다시 그리기 if(this.hint.length == 0){ for(var i=0; i6) { this.scanIndex = index; if(this.chance>0) { this.chance--; this.rangeChance(); } this.useItem = true; this.lastEventTime =; this.giveHint = false; this.removeChild(this.hintMc1); this.removeChild(this.hintMc2); if(this.real1 != undefined) this.real1.alpha = 1; if(this.real2 != undefined) this.real2.alpha = 1; if (this.cookieNumMatrix[index] == 10) { if (this.canClick) this.actBomb(index); } else if (this.cookieNumMatrix[index] == 9) { if (this.canClick) this.actEqual(index); } else if (this.cookieNumMatrix[index] == 8) { this.crossIndex = index; if (this.canClick) this.actCross(index); } this.combo++; this.totalCombo++; if(this.combo>=15) {this.stageMode = 'superfever';} else if(this.combo>=5){ this.stageMode = 'fever'; this.callfevercnt = 0; } else{this.stageMode = 'normal';} this.lastTime =; this.restComboTime = 3; this.canClick = false; }else this.useItem = false; }; //스와핑================================================================================== gc.GameScene.prototype.swap = function(clickIndex){ var gapX = this.currentX - this.previousX; var gapY = this.currentY - this.previousY; //힌트 movieclip삭제 this.removeChild(this.hintMc1); this.removeChild(this.hintMc2); //힌트애니메이션동안 안보였던 원래 텍스쳐 보이게 하기 if(this.real1 != undefined) this.real1.alpha = 1; if(this.real2 != undefined) this.real2.alpha = 1; //왼쪽 쿠키랑 바꾸기 if((gapX<0) && (Math.abs(gapX)>Math.abs(gapY))){ if(clickIndex%7 != 0){ this.lastEventTime =; this.canClick = false; this.swapLeft(clickIndex); return; } } //오른쪽 if((gapX>0) && (Math.abs(gapX)>Math.abs(gapY))){ if((clickIndex%7) != 6 || (clickIndex==0)){ this.lastEventTime =; this.canClick = false; this.swapRight(clickIndex); return; } } //위쪽 if((gapY<0) && (Math.abs(gapX) 6){ this.lastEventTime =; this.canClick = false; this.swapUp(clickIndex); return; } } //아래쪽 if((gapY>0) && (Math.abs(gapX)=15) {this.stageMode = 'superfever';} else if(this.combo>=5){ this.stageMode = 'fever'; this.callfevercnt = 0; } else{this.stageMode = 'normal';} this.lastTime =; this.restComboTime = 3; this.rangeChance(); //스와핑 효과 보이기 this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex].texture = tempTexture2; this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex - 1].texture = tempTexture1; TweenMax.from(this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex], 0.1, {x: this.cookieMatrixPos[selectIndex - 1][0], onComplete:(function () { for(var i=0; i=15) {this.stageMode = 'superfever';} else if(this.combo>=5){ this.stageMode = 'fever'; this.callfevercnt = 0; } else{this.stageMode = 'normal';} this.lastTime =; this.restComboTime = 3; this.rangeChance(); this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex].texture = tempTexture2; this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex + 1].texture = tempTexture1; TweenMax.from(this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex], 0.1, {x: this.cookieMatrixPos[selectIndex + 1][0], onComplete:(function () { for(var i=0; i=15) {this.stageMode = 'superfever';} else if(this.combo>=5){ this.stageMode = 'fever'; this.callfevercnt = 0; } else{this.stageMode = 'normal';} this.lastTime =; this.restComboTime = 3; this.rangeChance(); this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex].texture = tempTexture2; this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex-7].texture = tempTexture1; TweenMax.from(this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex], 0.1, {y:this.cookieMatrixPos[selectIndex-7][1], onComplete:(function () { for(var i=0; i=15) {this.stageMode = 'superfever';} else if(this.combo>=5){ this.stageMode = 'fever'; this.callfevercnt = 0; } else{this.stageMode = 'normal';} this.lastTime =; this.restComboTime = 3; this.rangeChance(); this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex].texture = tempTexture2; this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex + 7].texture = tempTexture1; TweenMax.from(this.cookieMatrix[selectIndex], 0.1, {y: this.cookieMatrixPos[selectIndex + 7][1], onComplete:(function () { for(var i=0; i= this.bombfull) { makeBomb = true; this.setBombItem(); this.bombAnerge -= this.bombfull; } var explodeMc = new gc.MovieClip('clear_effect_00', 1, 9, 0.4); explodeMc.anchor.set(0.5); explodeMc.position.x = this.cookieMatrixPos[i][0]; explodeMc.position.y = this.cookieMatrixPos[i][1]; explodeMc.alpha = 1; explodeMc.loop = false; if(!explodeEqual) {this.explodeContainer.addChild(explodeMc); }else{this.explodeContainer2.addChild(explodeMc);} } } this.scanIndex = undefined; //mask 폭탄 게이지 보이는 화면 var gap = this.bombgauge.height/this.bombfull; if(this.thing == undefined) { this.thing = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.thing.position.x = 0; this.thing.position.y = 0; this.bombgauge.addChild(this.thing); this.bombgauge.mask = this.thing; this.thing.lineStyle(0); this.thing.clear(); this.thing.beginFill(0xffffff, 1); this.maskRect = this.thing.drawRect(-14, -this.bombgauge.height+gap*(this.bombfull-this.bombAnerge), this.bombgauge.width, this.bombgauge.height, 10); this.thing.endFill(); } //점수 부여 for(var i=0; i=5){ this.setEqualItem('origin'); } else if(this.fixArr1.length >=4){ this.setCrossItem('origin'); } this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex1].alpha = 1; this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex1].flag = 1; this.itemIndex1 = undefined; } if(this.itemIndex2 != undefined){ if(this.fixArr2.length >=5){ this.setEqualItem('other'); } else if(this.fixArr2.length >=4){ this.setCrossItem('other'); } this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex2].alpha = 1; this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex2].flag = 1; this.itemIndex2 = undefined; } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.setBombItem = function(){ this.randBombIndex = parseInt(Math.random()*14); if(this.cookieMatrix[this.randBombIndex].flag != 0 && this.cookieNumMatrix[this.randBombIndex] <7) { this.cookieMatrix[this.randBombIndex].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame('bomb_item_0001.png'); this.cookieNumMatrix[this.randBombIndex] = 10; this.matchItemSize(this.randBombIndex); }else this.setBombItem(); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.setEqualItem = function(thing){ var itemName = 'cookie2_000'; var fullItemName; switch (thing) { case 'origin': this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex1].remember = this.cookieNumMatrix[this.itemIndex1]; fullItemName = itemName+this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex1].remember+'.png'; this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex1].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(fullItemName); this.cookieNumMatrix[this.itemIndex1] = 9; this.matchItemSize(this.itemIndex1); break; case 'other': this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex2].remember = this.cookieNumMatrix[this.itemIndex2]; fullItemName = itemName+this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex2].remember+'.png'; this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex2].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(fullItemName); this.cookieNumMatrix[this.itemIndex2] = 9; this.matchItemSize(this.itemIndex2); break; } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.setCrossItem = function(thing){ switch (thing) { case 'origin': this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex1].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame('eraser_0001.png'); this.cookieNumMatrix[this.itemIndex1] = 8; this.matchItemSize(this.itemIndex1); break; case 'other': this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndex2].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame('eraser_0001.png'); this.cookieNumMatrix[this.itemIndex2] = 8; this.matchItemSize(this.itemIndex2); break; } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.matchItemSize = function (index) { var min = 2; var max = 0; for(var i=0; i max){max = this.cookieMatrix[i].scale.x} } } if(min != 0.85) { this.cookieMatrix[index].scale.x = min; this.cookieMatrix[index].scale.y = min; }else { this.cookieMatrix[index].scale.x = max; this.cookieMatrix[index].scale.y = max; } this.getItemIndex(); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.bump = function () { if(this.itemIndexes.length > 0) { if(this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.x >= 1 || this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.x <= 0.85){ if(this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.x > 1) this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.x = 1; if(this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.x < 0.85) this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.x = 0.85; this.bumpscale *= -1; } this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.x += this.bumpscale; this.cookieMatrix[this.itemIndexes[0]].scale.y += this.bumpscale; } for(var i=0; i6){ this.itemIndexes.push(i); } } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.actBomb = function(actIndex){ this.bombCombo++; //본인 this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].remember = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].alpha = 0; //첫번째 열이 아님 if(actIndex%7 != 0) { //왼쪽 위 if(actIndex-7-1 >= 0) { //대상이 아이템 블럭이 아님 if(this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex - 7 - 1] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7 - 1].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7 - 1].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7 - 1].remember = 0; } } //왼쪽 아래 if(actIndex+7-1 <= 48) { //대상이 아이템 블럭이 아님 if(this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex + 7 - 1] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7 - 1].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7 - 1].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7 - 1].remember = 0; } } //왼쪽 if(actIndex-1 >= 0) { //대상이 아이템 블럭이 아님 if(this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex - 1] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 1].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 1].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 1].remember = 0; } } } //위 if(actIndex-7 >= 0){ if(this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex - 7] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7].remember = 0; } } //아래 if(actIndex+7 <= 48){ if(this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex + 7] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7].remember = 0; } } //오른쪽 끝 열이 아님 if(actIndex%7 != 6) { //오른쪽 위 if (actIndex - 7 + 1 >= 0) { //대상이 아이템 블럭이 아님 if (this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex - 7 + 1] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7 + 1].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7 + 1].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex - 7 + 1].remember = 0; } } //오른쪽 아래 if (actIndex + 7 + 1 <= 48) { //대상이 아이템 블럭이 아님 if (this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex + 7 + 1] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7 + 1].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7 + 1].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 7 + 1].remember = 0; } } //오른쪽 if (actIndex + 1 <= 48) { //대상이 아이템 블럭이 아님 if (this.cookieNumMatrix[actIndex + 1] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 1].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 1].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex + 1].remember = 0; } } } //아이템 사용시 강조 이펙트 제거를 위함 this.stopItemAccentEffect(); this.playItemAccentEffect(); this.explode(); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.explodeEqual = function () { var explodeMc = new gc.MovieClip('clear_effect_00', 1, 9, 0.4); explodeMc.onComplete = function() {;}; explodeMc.anchor.set(0.5); explodeMc.position.x = this.cookieMatrixPos[this.remembers[0]][0]; explodeMc.position.y = this.cookieMatrixPos[this.remembers[0]][1]; explodeMc.alpha = 1; explodeMc.scale.x = 1.3; explodeMc.scale.y = 1.3; explodeMc.loop = false; this.explodeContainer2.addChild(explodeMc); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.rise = function () { var fakeCookie = new PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame('cookie_1_0001.png'); fakeCookie.texture = this.cookieMatrix[this.remembers[0]].texture; fakeCookie.anchor.set(0.5); fakeCookie.position.x = this.cookieMatrixPos[this.remembers[0]][0]; fakeCookie.position.y = this.cookieMatrixPos[this.remembers[0]][1]; this.explodeContainer2.addChild(fakeCookie); this.manageSound(); this.cookieMatrix[this.remembers[0]].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[this.remembers[0]].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[this.remembers[0]].remember = 0;, 0.1,{x:1.15, y:1.15, onComplete:(function () { this.explodeEqual(); this.remembers.splice(0, 1); if(this.remembers.length>0) setTimeout(this.rise.bind(this),100); else{ this.explodeContainer2.removeChildren(); this.explode(); this.shadow.alpha = 0; } }).bind(this)}); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.actEqual = function(actIndex){ this.remembers = []; this.tempRemembers = []; // 쿠키가 커진 후 크기 돌려놓기 위함 //본인 this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].flag = 0; this.remembers.push(actIndex); for (var i = 0; i < this.cookieNumMatrix.length; i++) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].remember) { this.cookieMatrix[i].flag = 0; this.remembers.push(i); this.tempRemembers.push(i); } } this.shadow.alpha = 1; //아이템 사용시 강조 이펙트 제거를 위함 this.stopItemAccentEffect(); this.playItemAccentEffect(); //순서대로 커지게 만들기 this.rise(); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.actCross = function(actIndex){ this.champagneCombo++; //본인 this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].remember = 0; this.cookieMatrix[actIndex].alpha = 0; var colIndex = actIndex%7; //몇번째 열인지 체크 for(var i=0; i<7; i++){ if(this.cookieMatrix[i * 7 + colIndex].flag != 0) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i * 7 + colIndex] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[i * 7 + colIndex].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[i * 7 + colIndex].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[i * 7 + colIndex].remember = 0; } } } var rowIndex = Math.floor(actIndex/7); //몇번째 열인지 체크 for(var i=0; i<7; i++){ if(this.cookieMatrix[rowIndex * 7 + i].flag != 0) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[rowIndex * 7 + i] < 7) { this.cookieMatrix[rowIndex * 7 + i].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[rowIndex * 7 + i].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[rowIndex * 7 + i].remember = 0; } } } //아이템 사용시 강조 이펙트 제거를 위함 this.stopItemAccentEffect(); this.playItemAccentEffect(); this.explode(); }; //쿠키 메우기================================================================== gc.GameScene.prototype.dropCookie = function(){ var index; var lineCount = 0; //한 열의 빈 블럭 수 카운트 var dropCount = 0; //한 열의 내려온 블럭 수 카운트(완전히 내려온 후 카운트) var fullCount = 0; //떨어질 블럭 전체 수 카운트(빈 공간 + 새로 떨어질 블럭 수) var dropIndexes = []; //떨어질 블럭 인덱스 for(var i=0; i<7; i++){ lineCount = 0; //기존 블럭 내리기 for(var j=6; j>=0; j--){ index = j*7+i; if(this.cookieMatrix[index].flag == 0){ lineCount++; this.cookieMatrix[index].alpha = 1; this.cookieMatrix[index].flag = 1; }else{ if(lineCount > 0) { fullCount++; dropIndexes.push(index + lineCount * 7); //내려올 블럭: (index + lineCount * 7), 복사해올 블럭: (index) this.cookieMatrix[index + lineCount * 7].texture = this.cookieMatrix[index].texture; this.cookieMatrix[index + lineCount * 7].remember = this.cookieMatrix[index].remember; this.cookieMatrix[index].remember = 0; this.cookieNumMatrix[index + lineCount * 7] = this.cookieNumMatrix[index]; this.cookieNumMatrix[index] = 0; //아이템이 내려올 때 크기 복사 if(this.cookieNumMatrix[index + lineCount * 7] > 7) this.matchItemSize(index + lineCount * 7); else{ this.cookieMatrix[index + lineCount * 7].scale.x = 0.85; this.cookieMatrix[index + lineCount * 7].scale.y = 0.85; } TweenMax.from(this.cookieMatrix[index + lineCount * 7], 0.3, { y: this.cookieMatrixPos[index][1], onComplete: (function () { dropCount++; if(dropCount == fullCount && !this.canClick) { //이전 스테이지모드 저장 if(this.stageMode != 'momotime') this.prestageMode = this.stageMode; this.checkAgain(); } else { this.lastEventTime =; } }.bind(this)) }); } } } //새로운 쿠키 내리기 for(var j= lineCount-1; j>=0; j--){ index = j*7+i; fullCount++; this.cookieNumMatrix[index] = parseInt(Math.random()*6+1); this.cookieMatrix[index].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame('cookie_000'+ this.cookieNumMatrix[index] + '.png'); this.cookieMatrix[index].scale.x = 0.85; this.cookieMatrix[index].scale.y = 0.85; this.cookieMatrix[index].remember = 0; this.cookieMatrix[index].alpha = 1; this.cookieMatrix[index].flag = 1; TweenMax.from(this.cookieMatrix[index], 0.3, {y:this.gameTable.position.y+this.cookieMatrix[index].height/2, onComplete: (function (){ dropCount++; if(dropCount == fullCount && !this.canClick) { //이전 스테이지모드 저장 if(this.stageMode != 'momotime') this.prestageMode = this.stageMode; this.checkAgain(); } else { this.lastEventTime =; } }.bind(this))}); } } //내려올 블럭이 아이템일 경우 아이템 강조 이펙트도 같이 움직이기 위함 this.stopItemAccentEffect(); this.playItemAccentEffect(); this.getItemIndex(); //객체 의미 없음 TweenMax.from(this.cookieMatrix[0], 0.3, {onComplete: (function (){ this.restComboTime = 3; //=아이템 블럭이 많으면 다음 콤보까지 시간 부족.. 블럭 다 떨어지고 초기화 //힌트 저장을 위함 this.giveHint = false; if(!this.checkMatching1() && this.playGame) { this.checkAgain(); this.findHint(); } ////게임 종료 //if(this.chance<=0 && !this.haveEmpty) this.setGameOver(); }.bind(this))}); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.checkAgain = function(){ for(var i=0; i 7 && this.cookieMatrix[i].flag == 1){ this.itemEffectMc[i].alpha = 1; this.itemEffectMc[i].play(); } } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.stopItemAccentEffect = function () { for(var i=0; i= 3) { return true; } } } //세로(열) 매칭 체크 for(var i=0; i<7; i++){ countCol = 0; num2 = this.cookieNumMatrix[i]; for(var j=0; j<7; j++){ index2 = j*7+i; if (num2<7 && this.cookieNumMatrix[index2] == num2) { countCol++; } else { num2 = this.cookieNumMatrix[index2]; countCol = 1; } if (countCol >= 3) { return true; } } } return false; }; //스와핑 후 매칭 확인 gc.GameScene.prototype.checkMatching2 = function (checkingIndex){ this.l_c = 0; this.r_c = 0; this.u_c = 0; this.d_c = 0; this.itemIndex = undefined; this.memories = []; if(this.cookieNumMatrix[checkingIndex] < 7) { //왼쪽 파트 for (var i = checkingIndex; i >= Math.floor(checkingIndex / 7) * 7; i--) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[checkingIndex]) { this.l_c++; } else { break; } } //오른쪽 파트 for (var i = checkingIndex; i <= Math.floor(checkingIndex / 7 + 1) * 7 - 1; i++) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[checkingIndex]) { this.r_c++; } else { break; } } //위쪽 파트 for (var i = checkingIndex; i >= 0; i -= 7) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[checkingIndex]) { this.u_c++; } else { break; } } //아래쪽 파트 for (var i = checkingIndex; i < this.cookieMatrix.length; i += 7) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[checkingIndex]) { this.d_c++; } else { break; } } } //매칭 쿠키 확인 if(this.l_c+this.r_c -1 >= 3){ //맞춰진 가로 수가 3개 이상이면 //가로 4개 이상 if(this.l_c+this.r_c -1 >= 4) this.itemIndex = checkingIndex; for(var i=checkingIndex-this.l_c+1; i <= checkingIndex + this.r_c-1; i++){ this.cookieMatrix[i].flag = 0; this.memories.push(i); } if(this.u_c+this.d_c-1 >= 3){ //맞춰진 세로 수가 3개 이상이면 for(var i=checkingIndex-(this.u_c-1)*7; i <= checkingIndex+(this.d_c-1)*7; i+=7){ if(i != checkingIndex) { this.cookieMatrix[i].flag = 0; this.memories.push(i); } } //십자 모양 this.itemIndex = checkingIndex; } return true; }else if(this.l_c+this.r_c -1 < 3 && this.u_c+this.d_c-1 >= 3) { //가로 개수가 3개 미만이고, 세로 개수가 3개 이상 for(var i=checkingIndex-(this.u_c-1)*7; i <= checkingIndex+(this.d_c-1)*7; i+=7){ this.cookieMatrix[i].flag = 0; this.memories.push(i); } //세로 4개 이상 if(this.memories.length>=4) this.itemIndex = checkingIndex; return true; }else{ //맞는게 없을 때 return false; } }; //모든 쿠키 내리고 나서 다시 매칭 확인 gc.GameScene.prototype.checkMatching3 = function(){ this.bundle = []; //매칭되는 모든 배열을 저장하기 위한 배열 for (var j = 0; j < this.cookieMatrix.length; j++) { this.l_c = 0; this.r_c = 0; this.u_c = 0; this.d_c = 0; this.itemIndex = undefined; this.memories = []; if (this.cookieMatrix[j].flag != 0 && this.cookieNumMatrix[j]<7) { //왼쪽 파트 for (var i = j; i >= Math.floor(j / 7) * 7; i--) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[j]) { this.l_c++; } else { break; } } //오른쪽 파트 for (var i = j; i <= Math.floor(j / 7 + 1) * 7 - 1; i++) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[j]) { this.r_c++; } else { break; } } //위쪽 파트 for (var i = j; i >= 0; i -= 7) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[j]) { this.u_c++; } else { break; } } //아래쪽 파트 for (var i = j; i < this.cookieMatrix.length; i += 7) { if (this.cookieNumMatrix[i] == this.cookieNumMatrix[j]) { this.d_c++; } else { break; } } //매칭 쿠키 확인 if (this.l_c + this.r_c - 1 >= 3) { //맞춰진 가로 수가 3개 이상이면 for (var i = j - this.l_c + 1; i <= j + this.r_c - 1; i++) { this.memories.push(i); } if (this.u_c + this.d_c - 1 >= 3) { //맞춰진 세로 수가 3개 이상이면 for (var i = j - (this.u_c - 1) * 7; i <= j + (this.d_c - 1) * 7; i += 7) { if (i != j) { this.memories.push(i); } } } } else if (this.l_c + this.r_c - 1 < 3 && this.u_c + this.d_c - 1 >= 3) { //가로 개수가 3개 미만이고, 세로 개수가 3개 이상 for (var i = j - (this.u_c - 1) * 7; i <= j + (this.d_c - 1) * 7; i += 7) { this.memories.push(i); } } } this.bundle[j] = this.memories; } var bundleCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.bundle.length; i++) { if (this.bundle[i].length == 0) { bundleCount++; } } //맞춰진 블럭이 있을때 if (bundleCount != this.bundle.length) this.searchingMaxLength(); else { this.haveEmpty = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.cookieMatrix.length; i++) { if (this.cookieMatrix[i].flag == 0) this.haveEmpty = true; } if (this.haveEmpty) this.explode(); else { if (this.playGame) { this.canClick = true; } else { if (this.itemOver) { this.PlayOver();//게임이 완전히 끝났을 때 } else { this.lastPang();//횟수는 끝났으나 아이템이 남아있으면 터뜨리기} } } //게임 종료 if (this.playGame && this.chance <= 0 && !this.haveEmpty) this.setGameOver(); } } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.PlayOver = function () { this.gameoverImg.anchor.set(0.5); this.gameoverImg.x = GD.width/2; this.gameoverImg.y = GD.height/2; this.addChild(this.gameoverImg);, 0.5, {x:1, y:1, onComplete:(function () {, 0.3, {x:1.2, y:1.2}); }).bind(this)}); TweenMax.from(this.gameoverImg, 0.5, {y:GD.height+this.gameoverImg.height}); this.giveHint = true; this.canClick = false; this.normalmomo.stop(); this.fevermomo.stop(); this.normalshushu.stop(); this.fevershushu.stop(); this.fevereffect1.stop(); this.fevereffect2.stop(); GD.soundPlay('sound_gameover'); setTimeout(this.onResult.bind(this),1000); }; //타임업 사운드가 끝나고 결과창으로 이동 gc.GameScene.prototype.onResult = function () { GD.bgmStop(); = null; GD.commonOption.finish(this.score); }; //맞춰진 배열에서 가장 긴 배열에 아이템을 넣기 위한 함수 gc.GameScene.prototype.searchingMaxLength = function(){ var maxLength = 0; var maxLengthIndex = undefined; for(var i=0; i maxLength) { maxLength = this.bundle[i].length; maxLengthIndex = i; } } for (var i = 0; i < this.bundle[maxLengthIndex].length; i++) { this.cookieMatrix[this.bundle[maxLengthIndex][i]].flag = 0; this.cookieMatrix[this.bundle[maxLengthIndex][i]].alpha = 0; this.cookieMatrix[this.bundle[maxLengthIndex][i]].remember = 0; } if(this.bundle[maxLengthIndex].length >= 4) { if (this.bundle[maxLengthIndex].length >= 5) { this.cookieMatrix[maxLengthIndex].remember = this.cookieNumMatrix[maxLengthIndex]; var itemName = 'cookie2_000'; var fullItemName = itemName+this.cookieMatrix[maxLengthIndex].remember+'.png'; this.cookieMatrix[maxLengthIndex].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame(fullItemName); this.cookieNumMatrix[maxLengthIndex] = 9; }else if (this.bundle[maxLengthIndex].length >= 4) { this.cookieMatrix[maxLengthIndex].texture = PIXI.Texture.fromFrame('eraser_0001.png'); this.cookieNumMatrix[maxLengthIndex] = 8; } this.cookieMatrix[maxLengthIndex].flag = 1; this.cookieMatrix[maxLengthIndex].alpha = 1; } this.combo++; this.totalCombo++; if(this.stageMode != 'momotime') { if(this.combo>=15) {this.stageMode = 'superfever';} else if(this.combo>=5){ this.stageMode = 'fever'; this.callfevercnt = 0; } else{this.stageMode = 'normal';} } this.lastTime =; this.restComboTime = 3; this.checkMatching3(); }; //피버모드======================================================================================================= gc.GameScene.prototype.setFeverText = function () { this.superfeverText.anchor.set(0.5); this.superfeverText.position.x = gc.width / 2; this.superfeverText.position.y = this.gameTable.position.y; this.superfeverText.scale.x = 0; this.superfeverText.scale.y = 0; this.addChild(this.superfeverText); this.feverText.anchor.set(0.5); this.feverText.position.x = gc.width / 2; this.feverText.position.y = this.gameTable.position.y; this.feverText.scale.x = 0; this.feverText.scale.y = 0; this.addChild(this.feverText); }; gc.GameScene.prototype.setFever = function () { if(!this.pauseMode) { var now =; if (this.lastTime == undefined) this.lastTime = now; if (this.playGame) { if (this.restComboTime > 0) {this.restComboTime -= (now - this.lastTime) / 1000;} else { this.combo = 0; this.restComboTime = 0; this.lastTime = undefined; if(this.stageMode != 'normal') this.prestageMode = this.stageMode; this.stageMode = 'normal'; this.callfevercnt = 0; } if (this.prestageMode != this.stageMode && this.callfevercnt == 0) {this.actFever();} this.lastTime = now; } }else this.lastTime =; }; gc.GameScene.prototype.actFever = function () { this.callfevercnt++; if(this.stageMode == 'normal'){ this.normalMode(); this.gameBG.texture = GD.loader.resources['game_bg'].texture; this.fevereffect1.alpha = 0; this.fevereffect2.alpha = 0; } else{ this.otherMode(); this.actfeverEffect(); } }; gc.GameScene.prototype.actfeverEffect = function(){ if(this.test){ this.fevereffect1.y = -200; this.fevereffect2.y = -200; }else { this.gameBG.texture = GD.loader.resources['game_bg_fever'].texture; this.fevereffect1.y = 465; this.fevereffect2.y = 345; } this.fevereffect1.alpha = 1; this.fevereffect2.alpha = 1; this.fevereffect2.scale.y = 1.5; if(!this.test)if (this.stageMode != 'momotime') GD.soundPlay('sound_fever'); if (this.stageMode == 'superfever') { this.superfeverText.alpha = 1;, 0.5, { x: 1, y: 1, alpha: 1, onComplete: (function () {, 0.7, { onComplete: (function () { this.superfeverText.scale.x = 0; this.superfeverText.scale.y = 0; this.superfeverText.alpha = 0; }).bind(this) }); }).bind(this) }); } else if (this.stageMode == 'fever') { this.feverText.alpha = 1;, 0.5, { x: 1, y: 1, alpha: 1, onComplete: (function () {, 0.7, { onComplete: (function () { this.feverText.scale.x = 0; this.feverText.scale.y = 0; this.feverText.alpha = 0; if(this.test) { this.test = false; this.stageMode = 'normal'; } }).bind(this) }); }).bind(this) }); } }; // 일시정지 gc.GameScene.prototype.pause = function(){ this.pauseMode = true; this.setInteractive(false); }; // 게임진행 gc.GameScene.prototype.resume = function(){ this.pauseMode = false; this.setInteractive(true); }; // 버튼 이벤트 설정 gc.GameScene.prototype.setInteractive = function(bool){ for(var i=0; i= 100 && !this.getMedal4) { DataManager.addMedal(4); this.getMedal4 = true; } else if(this.totalCombo >= 3 && !this.getMedal1) { DataManager.addMedal(1); this.getMedal1 = true; }else if(this.champagneCombo >= 10 && !this.getMedal2) { DataManager.addMedal(2); this.getMedal2 = true; }else if(this.bombCombo >= 10 && !this.getMedal3) { DataManager.addMedal(3); this.getMedal3 = true; } }; gc.GameScene.getInstance = function(){ if(! = new gc.GameScene(); return; }; module.exports = gc;