# dice_game > A Vue.js project ## Build Setup ``` bash # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report npm run build --report ``` For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the [guide](http://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack/) and [docs for vue-loader](http://vuejs.github.io/vue-loader). // 下注类型 enum enum_offer_type { small = 0, big = 1, odd = 3, even = 2, sum_4 = 4, sum_5 = 5, sum_6 = 6, sum_7 = 7, sum_8 = 8, sum_9 = 9, sum_10 = 10, sum_11 = 11, sum_12 = 12, sum_13 = 13, sum_14 = 14, sum_15 = 15, sum_16 = 16, sum_17 = 17, single_1 = 100, single_2 = 200, single_3 = 300, single_4 = 400, single_5 = 500, single_6 = 600, double_1 = 110, double_2 = 220, double_3 = 330, double_4 = 440, double_5 = 550, double_6 = 660, three_1 = 111, three_2 = 222, three_3 = 333, three_4 = 444, three_5 = 555, three_6 = 666, three_n = 777, // 只要是三个数就算 };