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border: 1px solid #282828; } /*回复框,引用框背景颜色,线框颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_content .comment_blockquote_title { background-color: #1D1D1D; } /*引用框title*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-mood-ctn .support_line span { background-color: #304757; } /*评论心情条形颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comment_list .comment-list_item, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-replay_list .replay_list_item { border-color: #474747; } /*分割线样式*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comments-ctn .dw-comment-post-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-new_comment, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_reply_ctn, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_content .comment_blockquote, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-more_comment { box-shadow: 0px 4px 0px rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.5); } /*盒子阴影*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comments-ctn a, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-new_comment span, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-post-foot .user-info .name, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-reply_post-foot .user-info .name, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-more_comment span { color: #f8f17c !important; } /*链接,评论提示,刷新评论按钮字体,回复框用户名颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-sequence a.selected { color: white !important; } /*评论分类白色选中状态*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-replay_list .reply_action .view_up, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-replay_list .reply_action .view_down, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-replay_list .reply_action a em, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_action a em, .dw-comment-skin_black .comment-mood-pic em, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comments-ctn h3 .total_num, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comments-ctn h3 .total_num em { color: #cccccc !important; } /*#ccc灰色字体颜色统一修改,包括文章赞,吐槽,回复,“所有评论条目”等描述文字,文章心情评论链接颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .comment-mood-pic:hover em { color: #333333 !important; } /*文章心情评论链接颜色hover状态*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-loginbar-ctn .dw-comment-loginbar a { color: #2d5fc3 !important; } /*登录框文字样式*/ .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-reply_post-foot .user-info img, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comment_list .comment-author_pic img, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-post-foot .user-info img, .dw-comment-skin_black .dw-comment-comment_list .reply_author_pic img { background-color: #262626; border: 1px solid #333331; } /*统一调整图片背景颜色,边框颜色*/ /*comment-skin-5建于2012.11.19*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-box, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-sharebar .sharebar dt { color: #cccccc !important; } /*统一描述内容灰字颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-mood-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-view-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comments-ctn { border: 1px solid #213443; background-color: #142232; } /*评论框背景颜色,线框*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .comment_reply_ctn, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-post-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-more_comment, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-new_comment, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .comment_blockquote { background-color: #0F1B28; border: 1px solid #182636; } /*回复框,引用框背景颜色,线框颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_content .comment_blockquote_title { background-color: #0F1B28; } /*引用框title*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-mood-ctn .support_line span { background-color: #304757; } /*评论心情条形颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comment_list .comment-list_item, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-replay_list .replay_list_item { border-color: #474747; } /*分割线样式*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comments-ctn .dw-comment-post-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-new_comment, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_reply_ctn, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_content .comment_blockquote, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-more_comment { box-shadow: 0px 4px 0px rgba(18, 30, 45, 0.8); } /*盒子阴影*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comments-ctn a, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-new_comment span, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-post-foot .user-info .name, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-reply_post-foot .user-info .name, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-more_comment span { color: #77c3fe !important; } /*链接,评论提示,刷新评论按钮字体,回复框用户名颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-sequence a.selected { color: white !important; } /*评论分类白色选中状态*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-replay_list .reply_action .view_up, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-replay_list .reply_action .view_down, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-replay_list .reply_action a em, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_action a em, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .comment-mood-pic em, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comments-ctn h3 .total_num, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comments-ctn h3 .total_num em { color: #cccccc !important; } /*#ccc灰色字体颜色统一修改,包括文章赞,吐槽,回复,“所有评论条目”等描述文字,文章心情评论链接颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .comment-mood-pic:hover em { color: #333333 !important; } /*文章心情评论链接颜色hover状态*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-loginbar-ctn .dw-comment-loginbar a { color: #2d5fc3 !important; } /*登录框文字样式*/ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-reply_post-foot .user-info img, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comment_list .comment-author_pic img, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-post-foot .user-info img, .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .dw-comment-comment_list .reply_author_pic img { background-color: #1A2A39; border: 1px solid #203243; } /*统一调整图片背景颜色,边框颜色*/ /* 盖楼楼层颜色 */ /* skin1 */ .dw-comment-skin_yellow .floot-comment-ctn { border-color: #E0D7AF; background-color: #FAF5DC; box-shadow: none; } .dw-comment-skin_yellow .floot-comment { border-color: #E0D7AF; background-color: #FAF5DC; } .dw-comment-skin_yellow .floot-comment-author { color: #2d5fc3 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_yellow .floot-comment-flootnum { color: #999999 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_yellow .floot-comment-bd p { color: #333 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_yellow .floot-comment-time { color: #999999; } .dw-comment-skin_yellow .floot-comment-hidden { color: #333333 !important; } /* skin2 */ .dw-comment-skin_white .floot-comment-ctn { border-color: #DDDDDD; background-color: #F9F9F9; box-shadow: none; } .dw-comment-skin_white .floot-comment { border-color: #DDDDDD; background-color: #F9F9F9; } .dw-comment-skin_white .floot-comment-author { color: #2D5FC3 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_white .floot-comment-flootnum { color: #999999 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_white .floot-comment-bd p { color: #333333 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_white .floot-comment-time { color: #999999; } .dw-comment-skin_white .floot-comment-hidden { color: #333333 !important; } /* skin3 */ .dw-comment-skin_blue .floot-comment-ctn { border-color: #CDE7F2; background-color: #EDF6F9; box-shadow: none; } .dw-comment-skin_blue .floot-comment { border-color: #CDE7F2; background-color: #EDF6F9; } .dw-comment-skin_blue .floot-comment-author { color: #2d5fc3 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_blue .floot-comment-flootnum { color: #999999 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_blue .floot-comment-bd p { color: #333 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_blue .floot-comment-time { color: #999999; } .dw-comment-skin_blue .floot-comment-hidden { color: #333333 !important; } /* skin4 */ .dw-comment-skin_black .floot-comment-ctn { border-color: #333; background-color: #1D1D1D; box-shadow: none; } .dw-comment-skin_black .floot-comment { border-color: #333; background-color: #1D1D1D; } .dw-comment-skin_black .floot-comment-author { color: #f8f17c !important; } .dw-comment-skin_black .floot-comment-flootnum { color: #999999 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_black .floot-comment-bd p { color: #CBCBCB !important; } .dw-comment-skin_black .floot-comment-time { color: #999999; } .dw-comment-skin_black .floot-comment-hidden { color: #cbcbcb !important; } /* skin5 */ .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .floot-comment-ctn { border-color: #1E2E3C; background-color: #0D1B28; box-shadow: none; } .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .floot-comment { border-color: #1E2E3C; background-color: #0D1B28; } .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .floot-comment-author { color: #77c3fe !important; } .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .floot-comment-flootnum { color: #999999 !important; } .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .floot-comment-bd p { color: #CBCBCB !important; } .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .floot-comment-time { color: #999999; } .dw-comment-skin_deepblue .floot-comment-hidden { color: #cbcbcb !important; } /*comment-skin-lol*/ .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-mood-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-view-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-comments-ctn { border: 1px solid #D2AE56; background-color: #F6ECBF; } /*评论框背景颜色,线框*/ .dw-comment-skin_lol .comment_reply_ctn, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-post-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-more_comment, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-new_comment, .dw-comment-skin_lol .comment_blockquote { background-color: #fbf4dc; border: 1px solid #e0cc9a; } /*回复框,引用框背景颜色,线框颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-mood-ctn .support_line span { background-color: #DECC92; } /*评论心情条形颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-replay_list .replay_list_item, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-comment_list .comment-list_item { border-bottom: 1px dashed #E1CC91; } /*底部虚线颜色*/ .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-comments-ctn .dw-comment-post-ctn, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_reply_ctn, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-comment_list .comment_content .comment_blockquote, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-more_comment, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-new_comment, .dw-comment-skin_lol .dw-comment-post-ctn { box-shadow: 0px 4px 0px #f1e1ac; 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