blackbinbin 6 anni fa
48 ha cambiato i file con 4 aggiunte e 4313 eliminazioni
  1. 4 1
  2. 0 70
  3. 0 478
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. 0 196
  7. BIN
  8. BIN
  9. BIN
  10. 0 240
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  15. 0 6
  16. 0 59
  17. 0 6
  18. 0 50
  19. 0 35
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  21. 0 90
  22. 0 0
  23. BIN
  24. BIN
  25. 0 0
  26. 0 0
  27. BIN
  28. BIN
  29. BIN
  30. BIN
  31. BIN
  32. BIN
  33. BIN
  34. BIN
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. BIN
  38. BIN
  39. BIN
  40. BIN
  41. 0 416
  42. 0 74
  43. 0 478
  44. 0 28
  45. 0 390
  46. 0 0
  47. 0 119
  48. 0 493

+ 4 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@

+ 0 - 70

@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-│  app.js	//处理路由和异常捕捉
-│  common.js	//配置环境config
-│  index.js		//多进程启动
-│  │  checkProxyPool.js		//从redis代理池中拿出ip直接请求某个网址,如果失效则删除
-│  │  checkZombieChrome.js	//使用headless浏览器模式会出现很多僵尸chrome进程,用此脚本杀死
-│  │  checkZombieSpider.js	//检查所有crawlworker并记录到表proc_log,并且杀死proc_log中运行太久的僵尸程序
-│  │  crawl.js		//获取浏览器模式和普通模式的规则然后进行任务
-│  │  crawlMaster.js 	//抓取任务的master分配入redis队列
-│  │  crawlWorker.js	//从redis获取抓取任务
-│  │  fetchPage.js		
-│  │  test.js
-│  │
-│  ├─linux_bash
-│  │
-│  │      supervisor.ini
-│  │
-│  └─NameClient
-│          subNsEvent.js
-├─conf	//配置目录
-│  │
-│  │
-│  │
-│  │
-│  │
-│  │
-│  └─conf_ns	//名字服务器配置
-├─controllers	//爬虫开放的api,用于预览爬取获取页面和网页上执行任务查看任务执行情况
-│      DefaultController.js
-│      function_extend.js
-│      AmcMsg.js	//爬虫爬取报警上报
-│      Browser.js	//headless浏览器模式下的浏览器类
-│      JTool.js		//选择器使用的类工具,例如格式化时间等
-│      MapData.js	//名字服务中配置的数据库表内字段的操作类
-│      ProxyPool.js		//代理池类
-│      Spider.js	//爬虫类,非常重要,包含了爬取过程中的一系列函数
-    │  doc.ejs
-    │  error.ejs
-    │  index.ejs
-    │
-    └─name_server
-            js.ejs

+ 0 - 478

@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
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-                                <h1 id="code">code</h1>
-<pre><code>&#x2502;  app.js    //&#x5904;&#x7406;&#x8DEF;&#x7531;&#x548C;&#x5F02;&#x5E38;&#x6355;&#x6349;
-&#x2502;  common.js    //&#x914D;&#x7F6E;&#x73AF;&#x5883;config
-&#x2502;  index.js        //&#x591A;&#x8FDB;&#x7A0B;&#x542F;&#x52A8;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  checkProxyPool.js        //&#x4ECE;redis&#x4EE3;&#x7406;&#x6C60;&#x4E2D;&#x62FF;&#x51FA;ip&#x76F4;&#x63A5;&#x8BF7;&#x6C42;&#x67D0;&#x4E2A;&#x7F51;&#x5740;&#xFF0C;&#x5982;&#x679C;&#x5931;&#x6548;&#x5219;&#x5220;&#x9664;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  checkZombieChrome.js    //&#x4F7F;&#x7528;headless&#x6D4F;&#x89C8;&#x5668;&#x6A21;&#x5F0F;&#x4F1A;&#x51FA;&#x73B0;&#x5F88;&#x591A;&#x50F5;&#x5C38;chrome&#x8FDB;&#x7A0B;&#xFF0C;&#x7528;&#x6B64;&#x811A;&#x672C;&#x6740;&#x6B7B;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  checkZombieSpider.js    //&#x68C0;&#x67E5;&#x6240;&#x6709;crawlworker&#x5E76;&#x8BB0;&#x5F55;&#x5230;&#x8868;proc_log&#xFF0C;&#x5E76;&#x4E14;&#x6740;&#x6B7B;proc_log&#x4E2D;&#x8FD0;&#x884C;&#x592A;&#x4E45;&#x7684;&#x50F5;&#x5C38;&#x7A0B;&#x5E8F;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  crawl.js        //&#x83B7;&#x53D6;&#x6D4F;&#x89C8;&#x5668;&#x6A21;&#x5F0F;&#x548C;&#x666E;&#x901A;&#x6A21;&#x5F0F;&#x7684;&#x89C4;&#x5219;&#x7136;&#x540E;&#x8FDB;&#x884C;&#x4EFB;&#x52A1;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  crawlMaster.js     //&#x6293;&#x53D6;&#x4EFB;&#x52A1;&#x7684;master&#x5206;&#x914D;&#x5165;redis&#x961F;&#x5217;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  crawlWorker.js    //&#x4ECE;redis&#x83B7;&#x53D6;&#x6293;&#x53D6;&#x4EFB;&#x52A1;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  fetchPage.js        
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;  test.js
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x251C;&#x2500;linux_bash
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;      supervisor.ini
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2514;&#x2500;NameClient
-&#x2502;          subNsEvent.js
-&#x251C;&#x2500;conf    //&#x914D;&#x7F6E;&#x76EE;&#x5F55;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2502;
-&#x2502;  &#x2514;&#x2500;conf_ns    //&#x540D;&#x5B57;&#x670D;&#x52A1;&#x5668;&#x914D;&#x7F6E;
-&#x251C;&#x2500;controllers    //&#x722C;&#x866B;&#x5F00;&#x653E;&#x7684;api&#xFF0C;&#x7528;&#x4E8E;&#x9884;&#x89C8;&#x722C;&#x53D6;&#x83B7;&#x53D6;&#x9875;&#x9762;&#x548C;&#x7F51;&#x9875;&#x4E0A;&#x6267;&#x884C;&#x4EFB;&#x52A1;&#x67E5;&#x770B;&#x4EFB;&#x52A1;&#x6267;&#x884C;&#x60C5;&#x51B5;
-&#x2502;      DefaultController.js
-&#x2502;      function_extend.js
-&#x2502;      AmcMsg.js    //&#x722C;&#x866B;&#x722C;&#x53D6;&#x62A5;&#x8B66;&#x4E0A;&#x62A5;
-&#x2502;      Browser.js    //headless&#x6D4F;&#x89C8;&#x5668;&#x6A21;&#x5F0F;&#x4E0B;&#x7684;&#x6D4F;&#x89C8;&#x5668;&#x7C7B;
-&#x2502;      JTool.js        //&#x9009;&#x62E9;&#x5668;&#x4F7F;&#x7528;&#x7684;&#x7C7B;&#x5DE5;&#x5177;&#xFF0C;&#x4F8B;&#x5982;&#x683C;&#x5F0F;&#x5316;&#x65F6;&#x95F4;&#x7B49;
-&#x2502;      MapData.js    //&#x540D;&#x5B57;&#x670D;&#x52A1;&#x4E2D;&#x914D;&#x7F6E;&#x7684;&#x6570;&#x636E;&#x5E93;&#x8868;&#x5185;&#x5B57;&#x6BB5;&#x7684;&#x64CD;&#x4F5C;&#x7C7B;
-&#x2502;      ProxyPool.js        //&#x4EE3;&#x7406;&#x6C60;&#x7C7B;
-&#x2502;      Spider.js    //&#x722C;&#x866B;&#x7C7B;&#xFF0C;&#x975E;&#x5E38;&#x91CD;&#x8981;&#xFF0C;&#x5305;&#x542B;&#x4E86;&#x722C;&#x53D6;&#x8FC7;&#x7A0B;&#x4E2D;&#x7684;&#x4E00;&#x7CFB;&#x5217;&#x51FD;&#x6570;
-    &#x2502;  doc.ejs
-    &#x2502;  error.ejs
-    &#x2502;  index.ejs
-    &#x2502;
-    &#x2514;&#x2500;name_server
-            js.ejs
-<h1 id="&#x7CFB;&#x7EDF;&#x793A;&#x610F;&#x56FE;">&#x7CFB;&#x7EDF;&#x793A;&#x610F;&#x56FE;</h1>
-<p><img src="../img/&#x56FE;1-2.jpg" alt="&#x56FE;&#x7247;"></p>
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-<p><img src="../img/&#x56FE;1-1.jpg" alt="&#x56FE;&#x7247;"></p>
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-  color: #dc322f;
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-  color: #6c71c4;
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-  background: #eee8d5;
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-  /* Tomorrow Night Bright Theme */
-  /* Original theme - */
-  /* */
-  /* Tomorrow Comment */
-  /* Tomorrow Red */
-  /* Tomorrow Orange */
-  /* Tomorrow Yellow */
-  /* Tomorrow Green */
-  /* Tomorrow Aqua */
-  /* Tomorrow Blue */
-  /* Tomorrow Purple */
-} .book-body .page-wrapper .page-inner section.normal pre .hljs-comment, .book-body .page-wrapper .page-inner section.normal code .hljs-comment, .book-body .page-wrapper .page-inner section.normal pre .hljs-title, .book-body .page-wrapper .page-inner section.normal code .hljs-title {
-  color: #969896;
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-  color: #7aa6da;
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-  color: #c397d8;
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-  display: block;
-  background: black;
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-  opacity: 0.5;

+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
-  var newEl = document.createElement('script'),
-      firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
-  if (firstScriptTag) {
-    newEl.async = 1;
-    newEl.src = '//' + window.location.hostname + ':35729/livereload.js';
-    firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, firstScriptTag);
-  }

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 6

+ 0 - 59

@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-    'gitbook',
-    'jquery'
-], function(gitbook, $) {
-    // Define global search engine
-    function LunrSearchEngine() {
-        this.index = null;
- = {};
- = 'LunrSearchEngine';
-    }
-    // Initialize lunr by fetching the search index
-    LunrSearchEngine.prototype.init = function() {
-        var that = this;
-        var d = $.Deferred();
-        $.getJSON(gitbook.state.basePath+'/search_index.json')
-        .then(function(data) {
-            // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
-            that.index = lunr.Index.load(data.index);
-   =;
-            d.resolve();
-        });
-        return d.promise();
-    };
-    // Search for a term and return results
- = function(q, offset, length) {
-        var that = this;
-        var results = [];
-        if (this.index) {
-            results = $.map(, function(result) {
-                var doc =[result.ref];
-                return {
-                    title: doc.title,
-                    url: doc.url,
-                    body: doc.summary || doc.body
-                };
-            });
-        }
-        return $.Deferred().resolve({
-            query: q,
-            results: results.slice(0, length),
-            count: results.length
-        }).promise();
-    };
-    // Set gitbook research
-'start', function(e, config) {
-        var engine =;
-        if (!engine) {
-  , config);
-        }
-    });

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 6

+ 0 - 50

@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-    'gitbook',
-    'jquery'
-], function(gitbook, $) {
-    // Global search objects
-    var engine      = null;
-    var initialized = false;
-    // Set a new search engine
-    function setEngine(Engine, config) {
-        initialized = false;
-        engine      = new Engine(config);
-        init(config);
-    }
-    // Initialize search engine with config
-    function init(config) {
-        if (!engine) throw new Error('No engine set for research. Set an engine using gitbook.research.setEngine(Engine).');
-        return engine.init(config)
-        .then(function() {
-            initialized = true;
-  'search.ready');
-        });
-    }
-    // Launch search for query q
-    function query(q, offset, length) {
-        if (!initialized) throw new Error('Search has not been initialized');
-        return, offset, length);
-    }
-    // Get stats about search
-    function getEngine() {
-        return engine? : null;
-    }
-    function isInitialized() {
-        return initialized;
-    }
-    // Initialize
- = {
-        setEngine:     setEngine,
-        getEngine:     getEngine,
-        query:         query,
-        isInitialized: isInitialized
-    };

+ 0 - 35

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-    This CSS only styled the search results section, not the search input
-    It defines the basic interraction to hide content when displaying results, etc
-#book-search-results .search-results {
-  display: none;
-#book-search-results .search-results {
-  list-style-type: none;
-  padding-left: 0;
-#book-search-results .search-results li {
-  margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
-  padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
-  /* Highlight results */
-#book-search-results .search-results li p em {
-  background-color: rgba(255, 220, 0, 0.4);
-  font-style: normal;
-#book-search-results .search-results .no-results {
-  display: none;
-} .search-results {
-  display: block;
-} .search-noresults {
-  display: none;
-} .search-results .has-results {
-  display: none;
-} .search-results .no-results {
-  display: block;

+ 0 - 213

@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-    'gitbook',
-    'jquery'
-], function(gitbook, $) {
-    var MAX_RESULTS = 15;
-    var MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE = 500;
-    var usePushState = (typeof history.pushState !== 'undefined');
-    // DOM Elements
-    var $body = $('body');
-    var $bookSearchResults;
-    var $searchInput;
-    var $searchList;
-    var $searchTitle;
-    var $searchResultsCount;
-    var $searchQuery;
-    // Throttle search
-    function throttle(fn, wait) {
-        var timeout;
-        return function() {
-            var ctx = this, args = arguments;
-            if (!timeout) {
-                timeout = setTimeout(function() {
-                    timeout = null;
-                    fn.apply(ctx, args);
-                }, wait);
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    function displayResults(res) {
-        $bookSearchResults.addClass('open');
-        var noResults = res.count == 0;
-        $bookSearchResults.toggleClass('no-results', noResults);
-        // Clear old results
-        $searchList.empty();
-        // Display title for research
-        $searchResultsCount.text(res.count);
-        $searchQuery.text(res.query);
-        // Create an <li> element for each result
-        res.results.forEach(function(res) {
-            var $li = $('<li>', {
-                'class': 'search-results-item'
-            });
-            var $title = $('<h3>');
-            var $link = $('<a>', {
-                'href': gitbook.state.basePath + '/' + res.url,
-                'text': res.title
-            });
-            var content = res.body.trim();
-            if (content.length > MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) {
-                content = content.slice(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE).trim()+'...';
-            }
-            var $content = $('<p>').html(content);
-            $link.appendTo($title);
-            $title.appendTo($li);
-            $content.appendTo($li);
-            $li.appendTo($searchList);
-        });
-    }
-    function launchSearch(q) {
-        // Add class for loading
-        $body.addClass('with-search');
-        $body.addClass('search-loading');
-        // Launch search query
-        throttle(, 0, MAX_RESULTS)
-        .then(function(results) {
-            displayResults(results);
-        })
-        .always(function() {
-            $body.removeClass('search-loading');
-        }), 1000);
-    }
-    function closeSearch() {
-        $body.removeClass('with-search');
-        $bookSearchResults.removeClass('open');
-    }
-    function launchSearchFromQueryString() {
-        var q = getParameterByName('q');
-        if (q && q.length > 0) {
-            // Update search input
-            $searchInput.val(q);
-            // Launch search
-            launchSearch(q);
-        }
-    }
-    function bindSearch() {
-        // Bind DOM
-        $searchInput        = $('#book-search-input input');
-        $bookSearchResults  = $('#book-search-results');
-        $searchList         = $bookSearchResults.find('.search-results-list');
-        $searchTitle        = $bookSearchResults.find('.search-results-title');
-        $searchResultsCount = $searchTitle.find('.search-results-count');
-        $searchQuery        = $searchTitle.find('.search-query');
-        // Launch query based on input content
-        function handleUpdate() {
-            var q = $searchInput.val();
-            if (q.length == 0) {
-                closeSearch();
-            }
-            else {
-                launchSearch(q);
-            }
-        }
-        // Detect true content change in search input
-        // Workaround for IE < 9
-        var propertyChangeUnbound = false;
-        $searchInput.on('propertychange', function(e) {
-            if (e.originalEvent.propertyName == 'value') {
-                handleUpdate();
-            }
-        });
-        // HTML5 (IE9 & others)
-        $searchInput.on('input', function(e) {
-            // Unbind propertychange event for IE9+
-            if (!propertyChangeUnbound) {
-                $(this).unbind('propertychange');
-                propertyChangeUnbound = true;
-            }
-            handleUpdate();
-        });
-        // Push to history on blur
-        $searchInput.on('blur', function(e) {
-            // Update history state
-            if (usePushState) {
-                var uri = updateQueryString('q', $(this).val());
-                history.pushState({ path: uri }, null, uri);
-            }
-        });
-    }
-'page.change', function() {
-        bindSearch();
-        closeSearch();
-        // Launch search based on query parameter
-        if ( {
-            launchSearchFromQueryString();
-        }
-    });
-'search.ready', function() {
-        bindSearch();
-        // Launch search from query param at start
-        launchSearchFromQueryString();
-    });
-    function getParameterByName(name) {
-        var url = window.location.href;
-        name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
-        var regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)', 'i'),
-            results = regex.exec(url);
-        if (!results) return null;
-        if (!results[2]) return '';
-        return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
-    }
-    function updateQueryString(key, value) {
-        value = encodeURIComponent(value);
-        var url = window.location.href;
-        var re = new RegExp('([?&])' + key + '=.*?(&|#|$)(.*)', 'gi'),
-            hash;
-        if (re.test(url)) {
-            if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null)
-                return url.replace(re, '$1' + key + '=' + value + '$2$3');
-            else {
-                hash = url.split('#');
-                url = hash[0].replace(re, '$1$3').replace(/(&|\?)$/, '');
-                if (typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null)
-                    url += '#' + hash[1];
-                return url;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) {
-                var separator = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?';
-                hash = url.split('#');
-                url = hash[0] + separator + key + '=' + value;
-                if (typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null)
-                    url += '#' + hash[1];
-                return url;
-            }
-            else
-                return url;
-        }
-    }

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-npm install
-安装 1.15.0 版本的 puppeteer
-sudo npm install -d package.json  安装好依赖模块
-sudo node install.js              安装puppeteer 服务(这个命令会自己安装chromium)
-缺什么模块用 sudo npm install 模块名
-* 设置端口
-  /protected/conf/config.${env}.inc.js	其中 ${env} 是环境,分别为 dev-开发,form-正式
-process.env.PORT = 端口号;
-* 配置数据库
-  /protected/conf/config.${env}.inc.js
-let dbInfo = {};
-dbInfo['Web'] = {
-    host : '',
-    user : 'ojiatest',
-    password : 'ojia305',
-    database : 'Web',
-    port : 3306,
-    connectionLimit : 100
-let redisInfo = {};
-redisInfo['name_serv'] = {
-    'host' : '',
-    'port' : 6405,
-    'pwd' : 'ojia123',
-    'db' : 1,
-    'connet_timeout' : 0
-**需要注意的是名字服务器发布后,会自动更新到 /protected/conf/conf_ns ,但是需要重启node进程,否则不会生效**
-* 代理
-  爬虫需要代理池,所有的代理ip获取都是通过访问 cjms 管理后台的接口:/protected/models/ProxyPool.js
-     1.获取ip列表:getXProxyList()
-     2.获取某个域名效果最好的代理:getXProxyBest(domain)
-     3.每次上报使用的代理好坏情况:reportProxy(domain, proxy, score)

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-                                <h1 id="install">install</h1>
-<pre><code>npm install
-<pre><code>&#x5B89;&#x88C5; 1.15.0 &#x7248;&#x672C;&#x7684; puppeteer
-sudo npm install -d package.json  &#x5B89;&#x88C5;&#x597D;&#x4F9D;&#x8D56;&#x6A21;&#x5757;
-sudo node install.js              &#x5B89;&#x88C5;puppeteer &#x670D;&#x52A1;&#xFF08;&#x8FD9;&#x4E2A;&#x547D;&#x4EE4;&#x4F1A;&#x81EA;&#x5DF1;&#x5B89;&#x88C5;chromium)
-&#x7F3A;&#x4EC0;&#x4E48;&#x6A21;&#x5757;&#x7528; sudo npm install &#x6A21;&#x5757;&#x540D;
-</code></pre><h1 id="config">config</h1>
-/protected/conf/config.${env}.inc.js    &#x5176;&#x4E2D; ${env} &#x662F;&#x73AF;&#x5883;&#xFF0C;&#x5206;&#x522B;&#x4E3A; dev-&#x5F00;&#x53D1;&#xFF0C;form-&#x6B63;&#x5F0F;</p>
-<pre><code>process.env.PORT = &#x7AEF;&#x53E3;&#x53F7;;
-<pre><code>let dbInfo = {};
-dbInfo[&apos;Web&apos;] = {
-    host : &apos;;,
-    user : &apos;ojiatest&apos;,
-    password : &apos;ojia305&apos;,
-    database : &apos;Web&apos;,
-    port : 3306,
-    connectionLimit : 100
-let redisInfo = {};
-redisInfo[&apos;name_serv&apos;] = {
-    &apos;host&apos; : &apos;;,
-    &apos;port&apos; : 6405,
-    &apos;pwd&apos; : &apos;ojia123&apos;,
-    &apos;db&apos; : 1,
-    &apos;connet_timeout&apos; : 0
-</code></pre><p><strong>&#x9700;&#x8981;&#x6CE8;&#x610F;&#x7684;&#x662F;&#x540D;&#x5B57;&#x670D;&#x52A1;&#x5668;&#x53D1;&#x5E03;&#x540E;&#xFF0C;&#x4F1A;&#x81EA;&#x52A8;&#x66F4;&#x65B0;&#x5230; /protected/conf/conf_ns &#xFF0C;&#x4F46;&#x662F;&#x9700;&#x8981;&#x91CD;&#x542F;node&#x8FDB;&#x7A0B;&#xFF0C;&#x5426;&#x5219;&#x4E0D;&#x4F1A;&#x751F;&#x6548;</strong></p>
-&#x722C;&#x866B;&#x9700;&#x8981;&#x4EE3;&#x7406;&#x6C60;&#xFF0C;&#x6240;&#x6709;&#x7684;&#x4EE3;&#x7406;ip&#x83B7;&#x53D6;&#x90FD;&#x662F;&#x901A;&#x8FC7;&#x8BBF;&#x95EE; cjms &#x7BA1;&#x7406;&#x540E;&#x53F0;&#x7684;&#x63A5;&#x53E3;&#xFF1A;/protected/models/ProxyPool.js</li>
-<pre><code> 1.&#x83B7;&#x53D6;ip&#x5217;&#x8868;&#xFF1A;getXProxyList()
- 2.&#x83B7;&#x53D6;&#x67D0;&#x4E2A;&#x57DF;&#x540D;&#x6548;&#x679C;&#x6700;&#x597D;&#x7684;&#x4EE3;&#x7406;&#xFF1A;getXProxyBest(domain)
- 3.&#x6BCF;&#x6B21;&#x4E0A;&#x62A5;&#x4F7F;&#x7528;&#x7684;&#x4EE3;&#x7406;&#x597D;&#x574F;&#x60C5;&#x51B5;&#xFF1A;reportProxy(domain, proxy, score)
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-用 supervisor 守护进程来启动node爬虫进程
-vim /data/services/supervisor.conf
-command=node /data/webapps/
-sudo supervisorctl
-**主要启动的脚本为 index.js checkProxyPool.js crawlMaster.js crawlWorker.js**

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 390

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

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->无论是 /list?page=1 还是 /list?page=n 只要是抓取这个类型的页面获取的数据结构一样的都可以归类成一个规则内
-* 规则id是唯一的
-* 示例url是此规则的举例url,在此url上写采集规则
-* 请求模式:普通和浏览器模式,默认普通模式,如果页面是js渲染的则用浏览器模式
-* 数据类型:html/json,如果是爬取的api那么使用json,如果是普通页面则用html
-* 等待条件,如果是请求模式选择浏览器模式,那么爬虫会根据这里设置的等待条件等待页面加载出这个等待的元素后才回调返回此页面的渲染好的html
-* 页面预处理,可以在爬虫获取返回html后先处理页面html,然后再接下去用选择器获取去页面数据,比如有些页面是404,此404是一张图片,如果是直接传下去给选择器,那么会报错缺少字段,如果是预处理时就判断是否404图片,那么直接返回当做抓取成功不会进入选择器。$html, $, page,_task, JTool, Tool 这几个变量可以直接使用,在爬虫内部定义如下:
-	async _preprocess(content, page) {
-        if (this.rule.data_type === 'json') {
-            content = content.trim();
-            let lastChar = php.substr(content, -1);
-            if (lastChar === ')') {
-                let pos = content.indexOf('(');
-                content = content.substr(pos + 1, content.length - pos - 2);
-            }
-        }
-        let preprocess = this.rule.preprocess && this.rule.preprocess.trim();
-        if (preprocess) {
-            let func = php.create_function('$html, $, page, _task, JTool, Tool', preprocess);
-            let $ = null;
-            let $html = null;
-            if (this.rule.data_type === 'html') {
-                $ = cheerio.load(content, { decodeEntities: false });
-                JTool.initJquery($);
-                $html = $('html');
-                let flag = func($html, $, page, this.task, JTool, Tool);
-                if (flag === false) {
-                    this.skip = true;
-                }
-                return $('<div></div>').html($html).html();
-            } else if (this.rule.data_type === 'json') {
-                $html = content;
-                return func($html, $, page, JTool, Tool);
-            }
-        }
-        return content;
-    }
-* 选择器:查找页面元素并返回
-* 解析$el:上面选择器获取的节点元素,返回的变量用 $el 表示,和jquery操作节点元素一致
-_task:任务对象,[ 'url', 'rule_id', 'task_id', 'task_key' ]
-JTool.fixColspan($table, $): 展开表格colspan,删除不合法的列
-JTool.formatDate(date): 把int/Date类型的数据,格式化为:Y-m-d
-JTool.formatDateTime(date): 把int/Date类型的数据,格式化为:Y-m-d H:i:s
-JTool.formatUrl(url): 把相对地址变化成绝对地址
-JTool.formaRichText(content): 富文本的图片相对地址变化成绝对地址,去掉script标签
-JTool.md5(str): md5加密
-* Next规则id:指定当爬取玩此规则后进入的下一个规则,可以设置上下文逻辑,比如列表页面的下一个规则应该是详情页
-* 选择 单项/多项:如果是爬取的数据是多行的则选择多项,如果是只有一项那么选择单项。这里插入的逻辑是,如果是多项的取各个列名字段相同下标的数据处理组成一条数据记录插入数据库例如:
-a 列名:选择多项获取到的是一个数组 ['a', 'b', 'c']
-b 列名:选择多项获取到的是一个数组 ['d', 'e', 'f']
-[['a','d'], ['b','e'], ['c','f']]
-* 数据-仅插入/更新/仅更新:仅插入(insert)是当数据是新数据的时候插入到数据库,第二次爬取的时候数据不会再更新入库,更新(replace)是当第二次爬取的时候会执行更新到数据库,仅更新(update)是第二次爬取的数据和当前的数据库的数据不一致才会入库更新
-* 必填:如果是在选择器分析页面数据中没有此字段,那么会报错,如果是可选,则不会报错
-* 开关:开启后选择器会解析页面抓取数据,否则不进入此选择器的逻辑
-* 转存:如果是图片,可以将此图片转存至自己服务器然后更新到数据库,这是一个异步的过程,入库后,转存脚本会扫描需要转存的数据,如果没有转存则将其下载到bs2然后重新将新的资源url地址更新到数据库内
-* 只填充:只填充的字段,只在更新模式有效,选择器获取的数据会和临时表中上次抓取的老数据对比,老数据不存在时才填充
->爬虫的数据库表从名字服务器内的配置拉取到表 db_table,data_db中,这里需要注意的是,当名字服务器发布新的数据库配置后,需要重启node进程才能让爬虫的配置生效
-* 爬虫的地址:指的爬虫的初始入口url,爬虫任务根据此url,开始爬取,如果你配置了Next规则id,那么爬虫当爬取完此规则后会自动进入下一规则,这样就实现了上下问逻辑的网页爬取

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