@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-### Safari
-[Download the extension directly.](https://s3.amazonaws.com/markdown-here/markdown-here.safariextz) When it has finished downloading, double click it to install.
-#### Preferences
-To get to the Markdown Here preferences, open the Safari preferences and then go to the "Extensions" tab. Then click the "Click me to show Markdown Here options" box.
-### Opera
-Note that *Markdown Here* only works with Opera versions 16 and higher (i.e., the ones that are based on Chromium).
-Go to the [Opera Add-ons store page for *Markdown Here*](https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/markdown-here/) and install normally.
-After installing, make sure to reload your webmail or restart Chrome!
-## Usage Instructions
-Install it, and then…
-1. In Chrome/Safari/Opera, *make sure* you reload your web mail page before trying to use Markdown Here.
-2. In Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Opera, log into your Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo account and start a new email. In Thunderbird, start a new message.
-3. Make sure you're using the rich editor.
- * In Gmail, click the "Rich formatting" link, if it's visible.
- * In Thunderbird, make sure "Compose messages in HTML format" is enabled in your "Account Settings", "Composition & Addressing" pane.
-4. Compose an email in Markdown. For example:
- <pre>
- **Hello** `world`.
- ```javascript
- alert('Hello syntax highlighting.');
- ```
- </pre>
-5. Right-click in the compose box and choose the "Markdown Toggle" item from the context menu. Or click the button that appears in your address bar. Or use the hotkey (<kbd>CTRL</kbd>+<kbd>ALT</kbd>+<kbd>M</kbd> by default).
-6. You should see your email rendered correctly from Markdown into rich HTML.
-7. Send your awesome email to everyone you know. It will appear to them the same way it looks to you.
-### Revert to Markdown