[ { "type": "api-change", "category": "CloudFront", "description": "You can now specify additional options for MinimumProtocolVersion, which controls the SSL\/TLS protocol that CloudFront uses to communicate with viewers. The minimum protocol version that you choose also determines the ciphers that CloudFront uses to encrypt the content that it returns to viewers." }, { "type": "api-change", "category": "EC2", "description": "You are now able to create and launch EC2 P3 instance, next generation GPU instances, optimized for machine learning and high performance computing applications. With up to eight NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs, P3 instances provide up to one petaflop of mixed-precision, 125 teraflops of single-precision, and 62 teraflops of double-precision floating point performance, as well as a 300 GB\/s second-generation NVLink interconnect that enables high-speed, low-latency GPU-to-GPU communication. P3 instances also feature up to 64 vCPUs based on custom Intel Xeon E5 (Broadwell) processors, 488 GB of DRAM, and 25 Gbps of dedicated aggregate network bandwidth using the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA)." } ]