en.js 8.3 KB

  1. const en = {
  2. h5: {
  3. chat: 'Chat',
  4. mine: 'Mine',
  5. nickname: 'Nickname',
  6. username: 'ID',
  7. avatar: 'Avatar',
  8. editInfo: 'Edit info',
  9. notBind: 'Not bind',
  10. logout: 'Logout',
  11. chatInfo: 'Chat info',
  12. groupAvatar: 'Group avatar',
  13. groupName: 'Group name',
  14. input: 'Please input',
  15. edit: 'Edit',
  16. typeNames: ['Group name', 'Group info', 'Nickname', 'ID'],
  17. selectContact: 'Select contact',
  18. createGroup: 'Create group',
  19. groupNotice: 'Group Notice',
  20. meechatLogin: 'Meechat Login'
  21. },
  22. mini: {
  23. logout: 'Logout',
  24. accountSetting: 'Account setting',
  25. openWeb: 'Chat in new tab',
  26. admin: 'Admin',
  27. logining: 'Login...',
  28. login: 'Login',
  29. // aboutMeeChat: 'Powered by MeeChat',
  30. server: 'Server'
  31. },
  32. chat: {
  33. noMore: 'No more',
  34. yesterday: 'Yesterday',
  35. redpack: 'RedPacket',
  36. image: 'Image',
  37. audio: 'Audio',
  38. video: 'Video',
  39. send: 'Send',
  40. unreadMsg: ' Messages unread',
  41. joinGroup: 'Join Group',
  42. hotGroupRecommend: 'Hot Groups',
  43. enterTips: 'Enter Send,Ctrl + Enter NewLine',
  44. hava: '',
  45. atYouWithPeople: 'people @ you',
  46. atYou: '@ you',
  47. youAreBan: 'You are prohibitions',
  48. cannotBeEmpty: 'Chat content can not be empty',
  49. maxUploadTips: 'Upload file size limitation: audio 2M or video 3M',
  50. news: 'News',
  51. closePinMsg: 'Do you want to close the top message?',
  52. closeSessionMsg: 'Do you want to delete this session?',
  53. quote: 'Quote',
  54. copy: 'Copy',
  55. paste: 'Paste',
  56. forward: 'Forward',
  57. sticky: 'Sticky',
  58. revoke: 'Revoke',
  59. revoked: ' revoke',
  60. aMsg: 'a message',
  61. liftaBan: 'Lift a ban',
  62. revokeMsg: ' revoke a message',
  63. deleteSession: 'Delete session',
  64. otherRevoke: 'Someone revoke a message.',
  65. msgType: ['image', 'video', 'audio', 'redpack'],
  66. imageComfirm: 'Send Image',
  67. videoComfirm: 'Send Video/Audio'
  68. },
  69. redPacket: {
  70. title: 'Send Red Packet',
  71. random: 'R',
  72. totalAmount: 'Total',
  73. tip1: 'Current mode: random amount',
  74. num: 'Number',
  75. unit: 'Packets',
  76. placeholder1: 'number',
  77. tip2: 'The group has {num} members',
  78. memo: 'Good luck',
  79. tip3: 'Unclaimed red packet will be refunded after 24 hours',
  80. sendBtn: 'Put money into red packet',
  81. helpTitle: 'Help',
  82. helpRule1: '1. The red envelopes are all hand-made red envelopes, and the amount of red envelopes grabbed is random; the maximum number of red envelopes is 100 at a time.',
  83. helpRule2: '2. The money can be selected when sending the red envelope; the amount of the red envelope is transferred directly to the binding account of the corresponding currency; if the account is not bound, the balance of the currency will be transferred immediately after the binding account.',
  84. helpRule3: '3. MeeChat charges 2% of the amount of each red envelope to cover the cost of the chain.',
  85. maxMoneyTip: 'Total money can not more than',
  86. minMoneyTip: 'Total money can not less than',
  87. singleMinMoneyTip: 'Single packet can not less than',
  88. maxNumberTip: 'Max pakcet number is',
  89. noPacketTips: 'Slow hand, red packet is over',
  90. expiredPacketTips: 'Packet is expired',
  91. open: 'open',
  92. seePacketDetail: 'See packet detail',
  93. transferTo: 'Transfered to ',
  94. account: ' account',
  95. best: ' Best luck',
  96. received: 'already received',
  97. lootAll: 'Loot all',
  98. expired: 'expired',
  99. tip4: 'Total {total} {unit}, {num} {unit} Has been open',
  100. drawYour: ' got your',
  101. youDraw: 'you got',
  102. whos: ' ',
  103. sendForEosTips: 'Red Packet Sending is only available to EOS logged-in users'
  104. },
  105. group: {
  106. recommendGroup: 'Recommend group',
  107. groupName: 'Group name',
  108. enter: 'Enter',
  109. join: 'Join',
  110. searchMember: 'Search members',
  111. add: 'Add',
  112. delete: 'Delete',
  113. showAll: 'Slide down',
  114. hideAll: 'Slide up',
  115. setGroupAvatar: 'Group avatar',
  116. groupPin: 'Info',
  117. noPin: 'No info',
  118. groupInviteLink: 'Share Link',
  119. groupId: 'Group ID',
  120. doNotDisturb: 'Mute Session',
  121. cancelDisturb: 'Unmute Session',
  122. topChat: 'Pin Session',
  123. admin: 'Group admin',
  124. quitGroup: 'Leave Group',
  125. groupPinInput: 'Write group info',
  126. adminSetting: 'Group admin setting',
  127. groupCertification: 'Application for group certification',
  128. groupTypeSetting: 'Group Type Setting',
  129. relateTelegram: 'Relate Telegram',
  130. needRelateTip: "Haven't bound your Telegram account ,so you need to do follow-up after binding.",
  131. teleStep1: 'Search for @meechatbot in Telegram and pull the account from the group owner into the Telegram group that needs synchronization. Follow the boot steps to complete the synchronization.',
  132. teleStep2: 'After synchronization, the messages of MeeChat group and Telegram group are synchronized in real time.',
  133. clickBind: 'Bind',
  134. needRelateTelegram: 'Relate Telegram',
  135. relate: 'Realte',
  136. createGroupToRelate: 'Create New Group To Relate',
  137. createSuccess: 'Create Success',
  138. groupNameTips: 'Please Enter Group Name',
  139. groupNameLengthTips: 'Group name is too long, please enter less than 16 characters',
  140. groupMgrMostTips: 'Group administrators can only set up five people at most.',
  141. groupMgrComfime: 'Determine to transfer group owners to',
  142. groupMgrResult: 'Transferred group owner to',
  143. leaveComfirm: 'Confirm to quit the group chat?',
  144. leaveTip: 'Has withdrawn from the group chat'
  145. },
  146. emoji: {
  147. lastestUse: 'Lastest use',
  148. person: 'Person',
  149. nature: 'Nature',
  150. food: 'Food',
  151. activity: 'Activity',
  152. trip: 'Trip',
  153. symbol: 'Symbol'
  154. },
  155. userinfo: {
  156. changePhoto: 'Change avatar',
  157. bindAccounts: 'Bind accounts',
  158. notBindOrHide: 'Not bind or hide',
  159. openingSoon: 'Opening soon',
  160. public: 'Public',
  161. private: 'Private',
  162. bind: 'Bind',
  163. unbind: 'Unbind',
  164. unbindSuccess: 'Unbind Success',
  165. unbindMsg: 'Do you want to unbind',
  166. nickTooLong: 'Nickname too long , please write it in 16 chars',
  167. wrongPattern: 'Only allow number letter and underline between 5-20 chars',
  168. maxUploadTips: 'Please upload image within 2M',
  169. editAvatar: 'Edit avatar',
  170. editGroupAvatar: 'Edit group avatar',
  171. inputIsEmpty: 'Input value can not be empty',
  172. groupNameTooLong: 'Group name too long , please write it in 16 chars'
  173. },
  174. invite: {
  175. searchContact: 'Search contact',
  176. noContact: 'No contact',
  177. transferGroupOwner: 'Transfer group owner',
  178. seleted: 'Already select',
  179. numberMember: ' members',
  180. checkDeleteMemberTips: 'Please check the person that need to be deleted',
  181. checkAddMemberTips: 'Please check the person that need to be add',
  182. writeGroupName: 'Please write group name'
  183. },
  184. public: {
  185. confirm: 'Confirm',
  186. cancel: 'Cancel',
  187. complete: 'Complete',
  188. updateSucc: 'Update success',
  189. uploadSucc: 'Upload success',
  190. loading: 'Loading',
  191. admin: '(Admin)',
  192. owner: '(Owner)',
  193. contact: '(Contact)',
  194. sendMessage: 'Send message',
  195. loginTip: 'Please login',
  196. noMoney: 'The balance of account is insufficient.',
  197. badNetwork: 'The network is too bad. please try again. ',
  198. close: 'Close',
  199. ban: 'Prohibitions',
  200. setting: 'Setting',
  201. remove: 'Remove',
  202. you: 'you',
  203. quit: 'Logout',
  204. feedback: 'Feedback',
  205. chinese: '中文',
  206. english: '英文',
  207. closeMsg: 'Close notification',
  208. openMsg: 'Open notification',
  209. search: 'Search',
  210. searchHotGroup: 'Search Hot Group',
  211. item: 'item',
  212. me: 'I',
  213. other: 'the other side',
  214. pswSetting: 'Password Setting',
  215. pswEdit: 'Password Edit',
  216. installPwa: 'Install MeeChat Desktop Edition'
  217. },
  218. login: {
  219. login: 'login',
  220. accountLogin: 'Account Login',
  221. autoLogin: 'Auto login',
  222. loginWithScatter: 'Log in using scatter',
  223. loadScatter: 'Not installed? download scatter program',
  224. installScatter: 'Please install scatter plugin',
  225. otherType: 'Login',
  226. loginTipAccount: 'Please Enter MeeChat Username',
  227. loginTipPsw: 'Please Enter MeeChat Password'
  228. },
  229. psw: {
  230. setPsw: 'Password Setting',
  231. oldPsw: 'Old Password',
  232. oldPswTip: 'Please Enter Old Password',
  233. newPsw: 'New Password',
  234. newPswTip: 'Please Enter Old Password',
  235. comfirmPsw: 'Comfirm Password',
  236. comfirmPswTip: 'Please Enter Old Password',
  237. lenTip: 'Password must be at least 8 characters',
  238. pswAdd: 'After setting MeeChat password, you can login to MeeChat through MeeChat account + password.'
  239. }
  240. }
  241. export default en