// 英文 const en = { header: { title: 'SICBO', balance: 'BALANCE', login: 'Login', loginOut: 'LOGINOUT' }, table: { live: 'Betting live', title: 'All bets', allBet: 'All BETS', myBet: 'MY BETS', hugeWin: 'HUGE WINS', topPlayer: 'TOP BETTORS', history: 'HISTORY', col1: 'Nper', col2: 'Punters', col3: 'The lottery', col4: 'Betting', col5: 'Win', col6: 'Bettor', col7: 'Wagered', col8: 'Bet content', col9: 'Time' }, rules: { title1: 'Game Rules', content1: `Based on the total points of three dices, players can place their bets on big or small, odd or even and the total points. One can place a bet at any time and get the result immediately. The "total points" is a sum of three dices, where 11 to 18 are big and 3 to 10 are small. K3 takes the hash value of the first block after the block where the player place his bet as the basis for the draw. Players can click on the record for verification at any time. `, title2: 'About GT', content2: `· GT Coin(short for GT in the below) is a game token issued by the EOSGET, of which the total supply is 100,000,000. GT can be “mined” by a series of operations in the game and they are only circulated in the EOSGET for now. · GT holders can either pledge GT for stakes to get dividend or sell GT to get the EOS by the official repurchase smart contract. · The price of repurchase is dynamically calculated by the Bancor protocol. ` }, game: { small: { title: 'SMALL', text1: 'Are numbers 4 to 10', text2: '1 wins 1', text3: 'Lose if any triple apperas' }, big: { title: 'BIG', text1: 'Are numbers 11 to 17', text2: '1 wins 1', text3: 'Lose if any triple apperas' }, single: { title: 'ODD', text: '1 wins 1', text1: 'Lose if any triple apperas' }, double: { title: 'EVEN', text: '1 wins 1', text1: 'Lose if any triple apperas' }, resultTip: { bet: 'You bet', win: 'Win', close: 'Close' }, tip1: 'Each double 1 wins 10', tip2: '1 wins 185', tip3: '1 wins 30', tip4: '1 wins 185', tip5: 'Each double 1 wins 10', count: 'Total', riddle: 'Number Riddle', wins: ' wins ', one: 'ONE', two: 'TWO', three: 'THREE', four: 'FOUR', five: 'FIVE', six: 'SIX', betTip: 'Import:', confirmTip: 'This note', bet: 'Bet', unconfirmTip: 'Unconfirmed', winTip: 'Win this period', confirmBtn: 'Bet', clearBtn: 'Reset', winGt: 'get', memoLimit: 'Too many types of bets', inBalance: 'transferred balance', closeGame: 'th has been closed and the bet has been transferred back to the balance.' }, k3: { tenBet: 'Ten Bets', tenBetting: 'In process', limit: 'Limit', tenResult: 'Result', income: 'Profit', betContent: 'Content', bet: 'Confirm', countTime: 'seconds left before next bet', tenTips: 'Combined with the Scatter or the whitelist function of wallet, automatic betting can be achieved.' }, nav: { nav1: 'Game', nav2: 'Bonus', nav3: 'Promotion Reward', nav4: 'White Paper', nav5: 'Lucky Draw' }, auction: { title: 'Auction', lastPrice: 'Final bid', text1: 'The last round win', text2: 'use', text3: 'win', text4: 'Participate in the auction(125% of the final bid)', text5: 'The ', text6: 'Congratulations on being the winner of the ', text7: 'auction you participated in has a new bid!', text8: 'Return 105% of your bid:', text9: 'auction!', text10: 'The bonus of this auction is', confirmBtn: 'confirm', takeBtn: 'Click to receive', explain0: 'The auction is in the test stage. At present, when the auction pool reaches 50EOS after last auction, the next auction will start.', explain1: "7.5% of this platform's real-time profit will continue to accumulate into the auction prize pool (costs out of the team, does not affect the dividend and buyback), according to the prize pool will accumulate transactions. The user uses the GT to bid, and the highest bidder within 15 minutes get the Prize Pool.When prize pool reaches 50EOS after last auction, the next auction will automaticly start.HAVE FUN!", explain2: 'The starting amount is 100GT, and each bid must be at least 25% higher than the current maximum price. Whenever there is a new bid, 105% of the GT of the previous bidder will be returned.', explain3: 'Whenever there is a new bid, the countdown is refreshed. The countdown time is 15 minutes.', explain4: 'All GTs recovered through the auction are reinvested in the pool.', success: 'Successful bidding', reward: 'Successful receipt', modalTips: 'Auction start when PRIZE reaches 50EOS', ready: 'preparing' }, money: { title: 'Balance', content: `The EOS gained in the SICBO games will be automatically added to the balance. You can withdraw the EOS from the balance at any time. Players can deposit their EOS in the balance. Playing any SICBO or BOX game using EOS in the balance will not consume the resources of CPU, RAM, etc. If one does not play any game within 12 hours, his EOS in the balance will be sent back to his account automatically.` }, popupCharge: { title1: 'Deposit', content1: 'Pre-deposit EOS to enjoy all games on the platform without CPU', content2: 'One can withdraw up to 10 times a day. If he does not play any game within 12 hours, his EOS in the balance will be sent back to his account automatically', content3: 'Withdraw up to 10 times a day. Left ', text1: 'Balance', btn1: 'Confirm', btn2: 'Details', btn3: 'Withdraw' }, popupDetail: { title1: 'Details', content1: 'Transactions of Latest 3 months', item1: 'Opening Records', item2: 'Balance', item3: 'Flow Descriptions', filter: { 'all': 'All details', 'box': 'Box details', 'sicbo': 'Sicbo details' }, global: { 'deposit': 'Deposit', 'withdraw': 'Withdraw', 'vip_return': 'VIP Return', 'luckdraw': 'Lottery' }, box: { 'win': 'Open a Box', 'return': 'Return Deposit', 'pledge': 'Box Deposit' }, sicbo: { 'win': 'Win', 'bet': 'Bet', 'autobet': 'Auto Bet' } }, vip: { title: 'VIP System', intro: 'Becoming an EOSGET VIP member, you will instantly receive a lot of rewards based on your VIP level when you make a bet in any game on the EOSGET! The higher the level, the bigger the reward! After reaching the specified VIP level, you will also receive a certain amount of GT airdrop. EOS rewards will be instantly paid to your balance as soon as you make your bets.', tips: 'Attention: the bet amount of Sicbo games is calculated based on each bet, while the bet amount of Box games is calculated based on 1/5 of the deposited EOS for each Box game.`', text1: 'Need', text2: 'to reach', tab1: 'Level', tab2: 'Wager in Total', tab3: 'Return Percentage', tab4: 'Return' }, lottery: { title: 'Lucky Draw', text1: 'Remaining Draws', text2: 'Opening', text3: 'Draw', text4: 'Get a free lucky draw every day! When you place a bet which is ≥1EOS each time, you can get another chance for the lucky draw. One may accumulate 10 chances at most for the lucky draw.', text5: 'Lucky number' }, validate: { title: 'Fairness', text1: '', text2: 'th', text3: 'Reveal block', text4: 'The results of this game are based on the hash value of block ', text5: '', text6: 'K3 is based on the next block hash value of the block where the player bets.', text7: 'Block of Current Game: ', text8: 'Draw Block: ', text9: 'Current block: ', text10: 'Block of Bet: ' }, fairBtn: 'fair', moreBet: 'You can bet up to 100', noBet: "You haven't bet yet", successBet: 'Please wait for the prize draw', failBet: 'Bet failed, please bet again', waiting: 'In the lottery, please wait a moment', newGame: 'The new game begins', noMoney: 'Lack of balance', pageTitle: 'EOSGET K3 | Bet Against The Next Block Hash', cpuTip: 'Error', weitou: 'TRIPLE', state0: '(Confirming)', state1: '(Transfering)', state2: '(Balance)', state3: '(Lost)', state4: '(Success)', importBet: 'Please input chips', preventBet: 'No bets during the opening season', installScatter: 'Please install the scatter', systemWarning: 'System under maintenance! Please try again later.We will repay the PAYOUT after the maintenance.', commentWarning: 'Comments can only be made after bets', commentWarning1: 'Enter 20 characters at most', loading: 'Loading...', sendSuccess: 'Send success', sendFail: 'Fail in send', // commentPlaceholder: 'Players who have already bet can comment', commentPlaceholder: 'Comment here', noResult: 'No one bets, start the next game', betLimit: 'Big,Small,Single and double should start from 0.5Eos', walletLogin: 'Need to verify identity in order to use the wallet', gtTips: 'Bet 1 EOS can get ', autoBet: 'Auto Bet', autoBeting: 'Auto Beting', cpuLimitWarning: 'Your current CPU is insufficient, please stake more EOS. Or play through automatic betting without consuming resources such as CPU', noOpenTip: 'Not yet open', yes: 'Yes', no: 'No', footer: 'Disclaimer: Anyone under the age of 18 may not engage in gambling. The game may cause EOS asset profit and loss, the player must take the risk; control yourself. Reasonable game, healthy life.There are no intents in this article to induce anyone to violate any local, state, or national laws. The sole responsibility of the player is to refer to laws and regulations within the jurisdiction to ensure the legality of the act.' } export default en