import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:sport/bean/login.dart'; import 'package:sport/bean/message.dart'; import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart'; class MessageItem { MessageInstance message; int status; int curId; int userId; int unReadCount; //未读数量... int messageId; int isTop; // 时间 int day; int time; String messageType; String dateTime; MessageItem({ this.message, this.status, this.curId, this.userId, this.unReadCount, this.messageId, this.messageType,, this.time, this.dateTime, }); Map toJson() { final Map data = new Map(); data['message'] = json.encode(this.message); data['status'] = this.status; data['curId'] = this.curId; data['userId'] = this.userId; data['messageId'] = this.messageId; // data['unReadCount'] = this.unReadCount; // data["messageId"] = this.messageId; return data; } MessageItem.fromJson(Map map) { message = MessageInstance.fromJson(json.decode(map['message'])); if (message != null && message.createdAt.isNotEmpty == true) { var t = DateTime.parse(message.createdAt); day =; time = t.millisecondsSinceEpoch; } status = map['status']; curId = map['curId']; userId = map['userId']; messageId = map['messageId']; // unReadCount = map['unReadCount']; // messageId = map['messageId']; } } class UserTableInfo { int userId; int isTop; UserTableInfo({this.userId, this.isTop}); UserTableInfo.fromJson(Map map) { userId = map['userId']; isTop = map['isTop']; } Map toJson() { final Map data = new Map(); data['userId'] = this.userId; data['isTop'] = this.isTop; return data; } } class MessageDB { static final MessageDB _instance = new MessageDB.internal(); factory MessageDB() => _instance; static Database _db; MessageDB.internal(); Future get db async { if (_db != null) { return _db; } _db = await initDb(); return _db; } final String TABLE = 'Message'; final String USERTABLE = "user"; initDb() async { String databasesPath = await getDatabasesPath(); String path = join(databasesPath, 'message.db'); var db = await openDatabase(path, version: 1, onCreate: _onCreate); return db; } // @messageId 本地数据库的id // @status 该条数据是否是已读的 // @message 信息 // @userId 跟谁聊天的信息 跟谁 跟谁 跟谁 跟谁 ... FutureOr _onCreate(Database db, int version) async { // 表1: message表 await db.execute( 'CREATE TABLE $TABLE(messageId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, status INTEGER ,message TEXT, curId INTEGER,userId INTEGER)'); // 表2: 用户表 await db.execute( 'CREATE TABLE $USERTABLE(userId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, isTop INTEGER)'); } Future insert(MessageItem item) async { var dbClient = await db; var result = await dbClient.insert(TABLE, item.toJson()); return result; } Future insertUser(UserTableInfo item) async { var dbClient = await db; var result = await dbClient.insert(USERTABLE, item.toJson()); return result; } Future insertAll(List items) async { var dbClient = await db; var batch = dbClient.batch(); items.forEach((item) { batch.insert(TABLE, item.toJson()); }); batch.commit(); } // 最新的那些... Future>> findLatest() async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient.rawQuery( 'SELECT * FROM $TABLE ORDER BY curId DESC LIMIT 1', ); } Future>> findAll() async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient.rawQuery( 'SELECT * FROM $TABLE ORDER BY messageId DESC', ); } Future>> findHasUserId(int userId) async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient .rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $USERTABLE where userId = $userId"); } Future>> findAllUser() async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient .rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $USERTABLE ORDER BY userId DESC"); } // 更新状态... Future>> updateStatus(int userId) async { var dbClient = await db; // status = 0 表示 已读状态... 1: 未读 await dbClient.update( TABLE, {"status": 0}, // Ensure that the Dog has a matching id. where: "userId = ?", // Pass the Dog's id as a whereArg to prevent SQL injection. whereArgs: [userId], ); } // 更新状态... Future>> updateIsTop(int userId, int isTop) async { var dbClient = await db; // status = 0 表示 没有置顶 ... 1:已经置顶 await dbClient.update( USERTABLE, {"isTop": isTop}, // Ensure that the Dog has a matching id. where: "userId = ?", // Pass the Dog's id as a whereArg to prevent SQL injection. whereArgs: [userId], ); } Future>> getMessageList() async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient.rawQuery( "select * from $TABLE c, (select userId, max(messageId) mid FROM $TABLE group by userId) cc where c.messageId = cc.mid order by messageId desc;"); } Future>> getMessageForUserId(int userId) async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient.rawQuery( 'SELECT * FROM $TABLE WHERE userId = $userId;', ); } // 删除数据表格 Future delete() async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient.delete("$TABLE"); } // 获取还有多少未读的数量 Future>> getMessageUnRead() async { var dbClient = await db; // return await dbClient.rawQuery( // "select c.*, ccc.cout from $TABLE c, (select userId, max(messageId) mid FROM $TABLE group by userId) cc, " + // "(select userId, sum(status) cout FROM $TABLE group by userId) ccc where c.messageId = cc.mid order by messageId desc;", // ); return await dbClient.rawQuery( "select u.isTop, c.*, ccc.cout from $TABLE c, (select userId, max(messageId) mid FROM $TABLE group by userId) cc," "(select userId, sum(status) cout FROM $TABLE group by userId) ccc, " "$USERTABLE u where c.messageId = cc.mid and cc.userId = ccc.userId and u.userId = cc.userId order by u.isTop desc, messageId desc;"); } // 删除数据库 void deleteTable() async { var databasesPath = await getDatabasesPath(); String path = join(databasesPath, 'message.db'); await deleteDatabase(path); print('删除数据库'); } Future deleteMessage(int messageId) async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient .delete("$TABLE", where: "messageId = ?", whereArgs: [messageId]); } Future deleteUserIdMessage(int userId) async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient .delete("$TABLE", where: "userId=?", whereArgs: [userId]); } Future deleteMessageIdMessage(int messageId) async { var dbClient = await db; return await dbClient .delete("$TABLE", where: "messageId=?", whereArgs: [messageId]); } // Future delete(int time) async { // var dbClient = await db; // return await dbClient.delete(TABLE, where: "time <= ?", whereArgs: [time]); // } }