# flutter_screen_recording
A new Flutter plugin for record the screen. This plug-in requires Android SDK 21+ and iOS 10+
## Getting Started
This plugin can be used for record the screen on Android and iOS devices.
1) For start the recording
bool started = FlutterScreenRecording.startRecordScreen(videoName);
bool started = FlutterScreenRecording.startRecordScreenAndAudio(videoName);
2) For stop the recording
String path = FlutterScreenRecording.stopRecordScreen;
## Android
Flutter_Screen_Recorder do not request permissions necessary. You can use [Permission_handler](https://pub.dev/packages/permission_handler), a permissions plugin for Flutter.
Require and add the following permissions in your manifest:
## iOS
You only need add the permission message on the Info.plist
Save video in gallery
Save audio in video