import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide DateUtils; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:infinite_scroll_pagination/infinite_scroll_pagination.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:paged_vertical_calendar/utils/date_models.dart'; import 'package:paged_vertical_calendar/utils/date_utils.dart'; /// a minimalistic paginated calendar widget providing infinite customisation /// options and usefull paginated callbacks. all paremeters are optional. /// /// ``` /// PagedVerticalCalendar( /// startDate: DateTime(2021, 1, 1), /// endDate: DateTime(2021, 12, 31), /// onDayPressed: (day) { /// print('Date selected: $day'); /// }, /// onMonthLoaded: (year, month) { /// print('month loaded: $month-$year'); /// }, /// onPaginationCompleted: () { /// print('end reached'); /// }, /// ), /// ``` class PagedVerticalCalendar extends StatefulWidget { PagedVerticalCalendar({ this.startDate, this.endDate, this.monthBuilder, this.dayBuilder, this.addAutomaticKeepAlives = false, this.onDayPressed, this.onMonthLoaded, this.onPaginationCompleted, this.invisibleMonthsThreshold = 1, this.physics, this.scrollController, this.listPadding =, this.initialDate, this.previousYear = false, }); /// the [DateTime] to start the calendar from, if no [startDate] is provided /// `` will be used final DateTime? startDate; /// optional [DateTime] to end the calendar pagination, of no [endDate] is /// provided the calendar can paginate indefinitely final DateTime? endDate; /// a Builder used for month header generation. a default [MonthBuilder] is /// used when no custom [MonthBuilder] is provided. /// * [context] /// * [int] year: 2021 /// * [int] month: 1-12 final MonthBuilder? monthBuilder; /// a Builder used for day generation. a default [DayBuilder] is /// used when no custom [DayBuilder] is provided. /// * [context] /// * [DateTime] date final DayBuilder? dayBuilder; /// if the calendar should stay cached when the widget is no longer loaded. /// this can be used for maintaining the last state. defaults to `false` final bool addAutomaticKeepAlives; /// callback that provides the [DateTime] of the day that's been interacted /// with final ValueChanged? onDayPressed; /// callback when a new paginated month is loaded. final OnMonthLoaded? onMonthLoaded; /// called when the calendar pagination is completed. if no [endDate] is /// provided this method is never called final Function? onPaginationCompleted; /// how many months should be loaded outside of the view. defaults to `1` final int invisibleMonthsThreshold; /// list padding, defaults to `` final EdgeInsetsGeometry listPadding; /// scroll physics, defaults to matching platform conventions final ScrollPhysics? physics; /// scroll controller for making programmable scroll interactions final ScrollController? scrollController; /// the initial date displayed by the calendar. /// if inititial date is nulll, the start date will be used final DateTime? initialDate; final bool previousYear; @override _PagedVerticalCalendarState createState() => _PagedVerticalCalendarState(); } class _PagedVerticalCalendarState extends State { late PagingController _pagingReplyUpController; late PagingController _pagingReplyDownController; final Key downListKey = UniqueKey(); late DateTime initDate; late bool hideUp; @override void initState() { super.initState(); if (widget.initialDate != null) { if (widget.endDate != null) { int diffDaysEndDate = widget.endDate!.difference(widget.initialDate!).inDays; if (diffDaysEndDate.isNegative) { initDate = widget.endDate!; } else { initDate = widget.initialDate!; } } else { initDate = widget.initialDate!; } } else { initDate =; } if (widget.startDate != null) { int diffDaysStartDate = widget.startDate!.difference(initDate).inDays; if (diffDaysStartDate.isNegative) { if(widget.previousYear == false && initDate.month == 1) { hideUp = false; }else{ hideUp = true; } } else { hideUp = false; } } else { hideUp = true; } _pagingReplyUpController = PagingController( firstPageKey: 0, invisibleItemsThreshold: widget.invisibleMonthsThreshold, ); _pagingReplyUpController.addPageRequestListener(_fetchUpPage); _pagingReplyUpController.addStatusListener(paginationStatusUp); _pagingReplyDownController = PagingController( firstPageKey: 0, invisibleItemsThreshold: widget.invisibleMonthsThreshold, ); _pagingReplyDownController.addPageRequestListener(_fetchDownPage); _pagingReplyDownController.addStatusListener(paginationStatusDown); } void paginationStatusUp(PagingStatus state) { if (state == PagingStatus.completed) return widget.onPaginationCompleted?.call(); } void paginationStatusDown(PagingStatus state) { if (state == PagingStatus.completed) return widget.onPaginationCompleted?.call(); } /// fetch a new [Month] object based on the [pageKey] which is the Nth month /// from the start date void _fetchUpPage(int pageKey) async { // DateTime startDateUp = widget.startDate != null // ? DateTime(widget.startDate!.year, // widget.startDate!.month + initialIndex, widget.startDate!.day) // :; // DateTime initDateUp = // Jiffy(DateTime(initialDate.year, initialDate.month, 1)) // .subtract(months: 1) // .dateTime; try { final month = DateUtils.getMonth( DateTime(initDate.year, initDate.month - 1, 1), widget.startDate, pageKey, true); WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => widget.onMonthLoaded?.call(month.year, month.month), ); final newItems = [month]; final isLastPage = widget.startDate != null && widget.startDate!.isSameDayOrAfter(month.weeks.first.firstDay); if (isLastPage) { return _pagingReplyUpController.appendLastPage(newItems); } final nextPageKey = pageKey + newItems.length; _pagingReplyUpController.appendPage(newItems, nextPageKey); } catch (_) { _pagingReplyUpController.error; } } void _fetchDownPage(int pageKey) async { try { final month = DateUtils.getMonth( DateTime(initDate.year, initDate.month, 1), widget.endDate, pageKey, false, ); WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback( (_) => widget.onMonthLoaded?.call(month.year, month.month), ); final newItems = [month]; final isLastPage = widget.endDate != null && widget.endDate!.isSameDayOrBefore(month.weeks.last.lastDay); if (isLastPage) { return _pagingReplyDownController.appendLastPage(newItems); } final nextPageKey = pageKey + newItems.length; _pagingReplyDownController.appendPage(newItems, nextPageKey); } catch (_) { _pagingReplyDownController.error; } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scrollable( viewportBuilder: (BuildContext context, ViewportOffset position) { return Viewport( offset: position, center: downListKey, slivers: [ if (hideUp) PagedSliverList( pagingController: _pagingReplyUpController, builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate( itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, Month month, int index) { return _MonthView( month: month, monthBuilder: widget.monthBuilder, dayBuilder: widget.dayBuilder, onDayPressed: widget.onDayPressed, ); }, ), ), PagedSliverList( key: downListKey, pagingController: _pagingReplyDownController, builderDelegate: PagedChildBuilderDelegate( itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, Month month, int index) { return _MonthView( month: month, monthBuilder: widget.monthBuilder, dayBuilder: widget.dayBuilder, onDayPressed: widget.onDayPressed, ); }, ), ), ], ); }, ); } @override void dispose() { _pagingReplyUpController.dispose(); _pagingReplyDownController.dispose(); super.dispose(); } } class _MonthView extends StatelessWidget { _MonthView({ required this.month, this.monthBuilder, this.dayBuilder, this.onDayPressed, }); final Month month; final MonthBuilder? monthBuilder; final DayBuilder? dayBuilder; final ValueChanged? onDayPressed; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( children: [ /// display the default month header if none is provided monthBuilder?.call(context, month.month, month.year) ?? _DefaultMonthView( month: month.month, year: month.year, ), Table( children: week) { return _generateWeekRow(context, week); }).toList(growable: false), ), SizedBox( height: 20, ), ], ); } TableRow _generateWeekRow(BuildContext context, Week week) { DateTime firstDay = week.firstDay; return TableRow( children: List.generate( DateTime.daysPerWeek, (int position) { DateTime day = DateTime( week.firstDay.year, week.firstDay.month, + (position - (firstDay.weekday - 1)), ); if ((position + 1) < week.firstDay.weekday || (position + 1) > week.lastDay.weekday) { return const SizedBox(); } else { return AspectRatio( aspectRatio: 1.0, child: InkWell( onTap: onDayPressed == null ? null : () => onDayPressed!(day), child: dayBuilder?.call(context, day) ?? _DefaultDayView(date: day), ), ); } }, growable: false, ), ); } } class _DefaultMonthView extends StatelessWidget { final int month; final int year; _DefaultMonthView({required this.month, required this.year}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Text( DateFormat('MMMM yyyy').format(DateTime(year, month)), style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6, ), ); } } class _DefaultDayView extends StatelessWidget { final DateTime date; _DefaultDayView({required}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Center( child: Text( DateFormat('d').format(date), ), ); } } typedef MonthBuilder = Widget Function( BuildContext context, int month, int year); typedef DayBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, DateTime date); typedef OnMonthLoaded = void Function(int year, int month);