import class CoreBluetooth.CBUUID import class CoreBluetooth.CBService import enum CoreBluetooth.CBManagerState import var CoreBluetooth.CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey import var CoreBluetooth.CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey import var CoreBluetooth.CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey import var CoreBluetooth.CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey final class PluginController { struct Scan { let services: [CBUUID] } private var central: Central? private var scan: StreamingTask? var stateSink: EventSink? { didSet { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) { [weak self] in self?.reportState() } } } var messageQueue: [CharacteristicValueInfo] = []; var connectedDeviceSink: EventSink? var characteristicValueUpdateSink: EventSink? func initialize(name: String, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { if let central = central { central.stopScan() central.disconnectAll() } central = Central( onStateChange: papply(weak: self) { context, _, state in context.reportState(state) }, onDiscovery: papply(weak: self) { context, _, peripheral, advertisementData, rssi in guard let sink = context.scan?.sink else { assert(false); return } let serviceData = advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataServiceDataKey] as? ServiceData ?? [:] let serviceUuids = advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey] as? [CBUUID] ?? [] let manufacturerData = advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey] as? Data ?? Data(); let name = advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey] as? String ?? ?? String(); let deviceDiscoveryMessage = DeviceScanInfo.with { $ = peripheral.identifier.uuidString $ = name $0.rssi = Int32(rssi) $0.serviceData = serviceData .map { entry in ServiceDataEntry.with { $0.serviceUuid = Uuid.with { $ = } $ = entry.value } } $0.serviceUuids = { entry in Uuid.with { $ = }} $0.manufacturerData = manufacturerData } sink.add(.success(deviceDiscoveryMessage)) }, onConnectionChange: papply(weak: self) { context, central, peripheral, change in let failure: (code: ConnectionFailure, message: String)? switch change { case .connected: // Wait for services & characteristics to be discovered return case .failedToConnect(let underlyingError), .disconnected(let underlyingError): failure = { (.failedToConnect, "\($0)") } } let message = DeviceInfo.with { $ = peripheral.identifier.uuidString $0.connectionState = encode(peripheral.state) if let error = failure { $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(error.code.rawValue) $0.message = error.message } } } context.connectedDeviceSink?.add(.success(message)) }, onServicesWithCharacteristicsInitialDiscovery: papply(weak: self) { context, central, peripheral, errors in guard let sink = context.connectedDeviceSink else { assert(false); return } let message = DeviceInfo.with { $ = peripheral.identifier.uuidString $0.connectionState = encode(peripheral.state) if !errors.isEmpty { $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(ConnectionFailure.unknown.rawValue) $0.message = "\n") } } } sink.add(.success(message)) }, onCharacteristicValueUpdate: papply(weak: self) { context, central, characteristic, value, error in let message = CharacteristicValueInfo.with { $0.characteristic = CharacteristicAddress.with { $0.characteristicUuid = Uuid.with { $ = } $0.serviceUuid = Uuid.with { $ = } $0.deviceID = characteristic.peripheralID.uuidString } if let value = value { $0.value = value } if let error = error { $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(CharacteristicValueUpdateFailure.unknown.rawValue) $0.message = "\(error)" } } } let sink = context.characteristicValueUpdateSink if (sink != nil) { sink!.add(.success(message)) } else { // In case message arrives before sink is created context.messageQueue.append(message); } } ) completion(.success(nil)) } func deinitialize(name: String, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } central.stopScan() central.disconnectAll() self.central = nil completion(.success(nil)) } func scanForDevices(name: String, args: ScanForDevicesRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } assert(!central.isScanning) scan = StreamingTask(parameters: .init(services:{ uuid in CBUUID(data: }))) completion(.success(nil)) } func startScanning(sink: EventSink) -> FlutterError? { guard let central = central else { return PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError } guard let scan = scan else { return PluginError.internalInconcictency(details: "a scanning task has not been initialized yet, but a client has subscribed").asFlutterError } self.scan = scan.with(sink: sink) central.scanForDevices(with: return nil } func stopScanning() -> FlutterError? { central?.stopScan() return nil } func connectToDevice(name: String, args: ConnectToDeviceRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let deviceID = UUID(uuidString: args.deviceID) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "\"deviceID\" is invalid").asFlutterError)) return } let servicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover: ServicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover if args.hasServicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover { let items = args.servicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover.items.reduce( into: [ServiceID: [CharacteristicID]](), { dict, item in let serviceID = CBUUID(data: let characteristicIDs = { CBUUID(data: $ } dict[serviceID] = characteristicIDs } ) servicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover = ServicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover.some(items.mapValues(CharacteristicsToDiscover.some)) } else { servicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover = .all } let timeout = args.timeoutInMs > 0 ? TimeInterval(args.timeoutInMs) / 1000 : nil completion(.success(nil)) if let sink = connectedDeviceSink { let message = DeviceInfo.with { $ = args.deviceID $0.connectionState = encode(.connecting) } sink.add(.success(message)) } else { print("Warning! No event channel set up to report a connection update") } do { try central.connect( to: deviceID, discover: servicesWithCharacteristicsToDiscover, timeout: timeout ) } catch { guard let sink = connectedDeviceSink else { print("Warning! No event channel set up to report a connection failure: \(error)") return } let message = DeviceInfo.with { $ = args.deviceID $0.connectionState = encode(.disconnected) $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(ConnectionFailure.failedToConnect.rawValue) $0.message = "\(error)" } } sink.add(.success(message)) } } func disconnectFromDevice(name: String, args: ConnectToDeviceRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let deviceID = UUID(uuidString: args.deviceID) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "\"deviceID\" is invalid").asFlutterError)) return } completion(.success(nil)) central.disconnect(from: deviceID) } func discoverServices(name: String, args: DiscoverServicesRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let deviceID = UUID(uuidString: args.deviceID) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "\"deviceID\" is invalid").asFlutterError)) return } func makeDiscoveredService(service: CBService) -> DiscoveredService { DiscoveredService.with { $0.serviceUuid = Uuid.with { $ = } $0.characteristicUuids = (service.characteristics ?? []).map { characteristic in Uuid.with { $ = } } $0.characteristics = (service.characteristics ?? []).map { characteristic in DiscoveredCharacteristic.with{ $0.characteristicID = Uuid.with{$ =} if characteristic.service? != nil { $0.serviceID = Uuid.with{$ = characteristic.service!} } $0.isReadable = $0.isWritableWithResponse = $0.isWritableWithoutResponse = $0.isNotifiable = $0.isIndicatable = } } $0.includedServices = (service.includedServices ?? []).map(makeDiscoveredService) } } do { try central.discoverServicesWithCharacteristics( for: deviceID, discover: .all, completion: { central, peripheral, errors in completion(.success(DiscoverServicesInfo.with { $0.deviceID = deviceID.uuidString $ = ( ?? []).map(makeDiscoveredService) })) } ) } catch { completion(.failure(PluginError.unknown(error).asFlutterError)) } } func enableCharacteristicNotifications(name: String, args: NotifyCharacteristicRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let characteristic = QualifiedCharacteristicIDFactory().make(from: args.characteristic) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "characteristic, service, and peripheral IDs are required").asFlutterError)) return } do { try central.turnNotifications(.on, for: characteristic, completion: { _, error in if let error = error { completion(.failure(PluginError.unknown(error).asFlutterError)) } else { completion(.success(nil)) } }) } catch { completion(.failure(PluginError.unknown(error).asFlutterError)) } } func disableCharacteristicNotifications(name: String, args: NotifyNoMoreCharacteristicRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let characteristic = QualifiedCharacteristicIDFactory().make(from: args.characteristic) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "characteristic, service, and peripheral IDs are required").asFlutterError)) return } do { try central.turnNotifications(.off, for: characteristic, completion: { _, error in if let error = error { completion(.failure(PluginError.unknown(error).asFlutterError)) } else { completion(.success(nil)) } }) } catch { completion(.failure(PluginError.unknown(error).asFlutterError)) } } func readCharacteristic(name: String, args: ReadCharacteristicRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let characteristic = QualifiedCharacteristicIDFactory().make(from: args.characteristic) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "characteristic, service, and peripheral IDs are required").asFlutterError)) return } completion(.success(nil)) do { try characteristic) } catch { guard let sink = characteristicValueUpdateSink else { print("Warning! No subscription to report a characteristic read failure: \(error)") return } let message = CharacteristicValueInfo.with { $0.characteristic = args.characteristic $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(CharacteristicValueUpdateFailure.unknown.rawValue) $0.message = "\(error)" } } sink.add(.success(message)) } } func writeCharacteristicWithResponse(name: String, args: WriteCharacteristicRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let characteristic = QualifiedCharacteristicIDFactory().make(from: args.characteristic) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "characteristic, service, and peripheral IDs are required").asFlutterError)) return } do { try central.writeWithResponse( value: args.value, characteristic: QualifiedCharacteristic(id:, serviceID: characteristic.serviceID, peripheralID: characteristic.peripheralID), completion: { _, characteristic, error in let result = WriteCharacteristicInfo.with { $0.characteristic = CharacteristicAddress.with { $0.characteristicUuid = Uuid.with { $ = } $0.serviceUuid = Uuid.with { $ = } $0.deviceID = characteristic.peripheralID.uuidString } if let error = error { $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(WriteCharacteristicFailure.unknown.rawValue) $0.message = "\(error)" } } } completion(.success(result)) } ) } catch { let result = WriteCharacteristicInfo.with { $0.characteristic = args.characteristic $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(WriteCharacteristicFailure.unknown.rawValue) $0.message = "\(error)" } } completion(.success(result)) } } func writeCharacteristicWithoutResponse(name: String, args: WriteCharacteristicRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let characteristic = QualifiedCharacteristicIDFactory().make(from: args.characteristic) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "characteristic, service, and peripheral IDs are required").asFlutterError)) return } let result: WriteCharacteristicInfo do { try central.writeWithoutResponse( value: args.value, characteristic: QualifiedCharacteristic(id:, serviceID: characteristic.serviceID, peripheralID: characteristic.peripheralID) ) result = WriteCharacteristicInfo.with { $0.characteristic = args.characteristic } } catch { result = WriteCharacteristicInfo.with { $0.characteristic = args.characteristic $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(WriteCharacteristicFailure.unknown.rawValue) $0.message = "\(error)" } } } completion(.success(result)) } func reportMaximumWriteValueLength(name: String, args: NegotiateMtuRequest, completion: @escaping PlatformMethodCompletionHandler) { guard let central = central else { completion(.failure(PluginError.notInitialized.asFlutterError)) return } guard let peripheralID = UUID(uuidString: args.deviceID) else { completion(.failure(PluginError.invalidMethodCall(method: name, details: "peripheral ID is required").asFlutterError)) return } let result: NegotiateMtuInfo do { let mtu = try central.maximumWriteValueLength(for: peripheralID, type: .withoutResponse) result = NegotiateMtuInfo.with { $0.deviceID = args.deviceID $0.mtuSize = Int32(mtu) } } catch { result = NegotiateMtuInfo.with { $0.deviceID = args.deviceID $0.failure = GenericFailure.with { $0.code = Int32(MaximumWriteValueLengthRetrieval.unknown.rawValue) $0.message = "\(error)" } } } completion(.success(result)) } private func reportState(_ knownState: CBManagerState? = nil) { guard let sink = stateSink else { return } let stateToReport = knownState ?? central?.state ?? .unknown let message = BleStatusInfo.with { $0.status = encode(stateToReport) } sink.add(.success(message)) } }