strings_en.arb 4.4 KB

  1. {
  2. "appName": "EasyRefresh",
  3. "sample": "Sample",
  4. "style": "Style",
  5. "more": "More",
  6. "basicUse": "Basic",
  7. "basicUseDescribe": "Basic use of EasyRefresh",
  8. "manualControl": "Manual control",
  9. "manualControlDescribe": "Control the timing of completion of refresh and load",
  10. "refresh": "Refresh",
  11. "loadMore": "LoadMore",
  12. "pullToRefresh": "Pull to refresh",
  13. "releaseToRefresh": "Release to refresh",
  14. "refreshing": "Refreshing...",
  15. "refreshFinish": "Refresh completed",
  16. "refreshFailed": "Refresh failed",
  17. "refreshed": "Refresh completed",
  18. "pushToLoad": "Push to load",
  19. "releaseToLoad": "Release to load",
  20. "loading": "Loading...",
  21. "loadFinish": "Load completed",
  22. "loaded": "Load completed",
  23. "loadFailed": "Load failed",
  24. "completeRefresh": "Refresh done",
  25. "completeLoad": "Load done",
  26. "noMore": "No more",
  27. "updateAt": "Update at %T",
  28. "autoLoad": "Auto load",
  29. "autoLoadDescribe": "Automatically refresh the slide to the bottom",
  30. "floatView": "Floating view",
  31. "floatViewDescribe": "At the top or bottom view floating on the list",
  32. "userProfile": "User Profile",
  33. "userProfileDescribe": "User Profile with the springback effect",
  34. "customScrollViewDescribe": "List with AppBar Folding, listener example",
  35. "swiperDescribe": "Swiper example, resolve sliding conflicts",
  36. "listEmbed": "List embed",
  37. "listEmbedDescribe": "Use the connector to set the Header and Footer positions",
  38. "cupertinoDescribe": "ios style",
  39. "firstRefresh": "First refresh",
  40. "firstRefreshDescribe": "First refresh widget",
  41. "emptyWidget": "Empty widget",
  42. "emptyWidgetDescribe": "Show empty widget when there is no data",
  43. "tabViewWidgetDescribe": "List and Grid consist of TabBarView",
  44. "nestedScrollViewDescribe": "NestedScrollView example",
  45. "secondFloor": "Second floor",
  46. "secondFloorDescribe": "Imitate the second floor of Taobao",
  47. "welcomeToSecondFloor": "Welcome to second floor",
  48. "scrollBar": "ScrollBar",
  49. "scrollBarDescribe": "Add a scroll bar to the list",
  50. "qqGroup": "QQ group",
  51. "github": "Github",
  52. "name": "Name",
  53. "old": "Old",
  54. "noBald": "Has not the bald",
  55. "city": "City",
  56. "hangzhou": "China - HangZhou",
  57. "chengdu": "China - ChengDu",
  58. "phone": "Phone",
  59. "email": "E-Mail",
  60. "classic": "Classic",
  61. "classicDescribe": "Classic and default",
  62. "materialDescribe": "Material design, Android style",
  63. "ballPulseDescribe": "Ball pulse style",
  64. "bezierCircleDescribe": "Popup circle style",
  65. "bezierHourGlassDescribe": "Popup HourGlass style",
  66. "phoenixDescribe": "Golden campus",
  67. "taurusDescribe": "Rushing into the sky",
  68. "spaceDescribe": "Flare animation - Space",
  69. "deliveryDescribe": "Express balloon",
  70. "moreStyle": "More style",
  71. "moreStyleDescribe": "Come soon! You can also refer to the source code customization",
  72. "joinDiscussion": "Join the discussion",
  73. "joinDiscussionDescribe": "Join the QQ group 554981921",
  74. "projectAddress": "Project address",
  75. "supportAuthor": "Support the author",
  76. "supportAuthorDescribe": "Your support is my biggest motivation",
  77. "about": "About",
  78. "star": "Star project",
  79. "aliPay": "AliPay",
  80. "weiXinPay": "WeiXin Pay",
  81. "qqPay": "QQ Pay",
  82. "payPal": "PayPal",
  83. "noData": "No data",
  84. "direction": "Direction",
  85. "listDirection": "List direction",
  86. "vertical": "Vertical",
  87. "horizontal": "Horizontal",
  88. "reverse": "reverse",
  89. "listReverse": "List reverse",
  90. "infiniteLoad": "Infinite load",
  91. "infiniteLoadDescribe": "Slide to bottom trigger loading",
  92. "controlFinish": "Control finish",
  93. "controlFinishDescribe": "Using Controller to End Asynchronous Tasks",
  94. "taskIndependence": "Task independence",
  95. "taskIndependenceDescribe": "Refresh and load tasks are not affected by each other",
  96. "headerFloat": "Header float",
  97. "headerFloatDescribe": "Header is displayed on the list",
  98. "vibration": "vibration",
  99. "vibrationDescribe": "Triggered vibration feedback",
  100. "refreshSwitch": "Refresh switch",
  101. "refreshSwitchDescribe": "Whether to turn on refresh",
  102. "loadSwitch": "Load switch",
  103. "loadSwitchDescribe": "Whether to turn on load",
  104. "linkHeader": "Header linker",
  105. "linkHeaderDescribeDescribe": "Customize Header with linker",
  106. "topBouncing": "Top bouncing",
  107. "topBouncingDescribe": "Top can be crossed",
  108. "bottomBouncing": "Bottom bouncing",
  109. "bottomBouncingDescribe": "Bottom can be crossed",
  110. "chatPage": "Chat page",
  111. "chatPageDescribe": "Chat page example",
  112. "send": "Send",
  113. "me": "Me",
  114. "bobMinion": "Bob minion",
  115. "bobMinionDescribe": "Cute yellow Minions"
  116. }