123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- @echo off
- echo tsc start
- set gameUrls=..\src\core
- set gameUrls=%gameUrls% ..\src\ttGame
- :: set gameUrls=%gameUrls% openDataContext\bytedance
- set tt_lib_path=..\..\..\_open_libs\tt\release\wxgame
- set tt_open_path=..\..\tt_openDataContext
- set tt_main_path= ..\bin\openDataContext
- ::空行
- echo.
- echo copy lib openDataContext
- xcopy %tt_lib_path% %tt_open_path% /s /e /y
- ::空行
- echo.
- echo copy js to MainProj
- xcopy %tt_open_path%\release\wxgame %tt_main_path%\openDataContext /s /e /y
- ::空行
- echo.
- echo copy res to MainProj
- xcopy %tt_open_path%\bin\res\open %tt_main_path%\res\open /s /e /y
- xcopy %tt_open_path%\bin\res\atlas\res\open %tt_main_path%\res\atlas\res\open /s /e /y
- ::空行
- echo.
- echo tsc %gameUrls%
- tsc -b %gameUrls%
- ::tsc -b core Fruit Legend DDZ Glory Dragon LHD
- echo tsc complete
- pause