#pragma once #include "il2cpp-config.h" #include // This file contains the structures specifying how we store converted metadata. // These structures have 3 constraints: // 1. These structures will be stored in an external file, and as such must not contain any pointers. // All references to other metadata should occur via an index into a corresponding table. // 2. These structures are assumed to be const. Either const structures in the binary or mapped as // readonly memory from an external file. Do not add any 'calculated' fields which will be written to at runtime. // 3. These structures should be optimized for size. Other structures are used at runtime which can // be larger to store cached information typedef int32_t TypeIndex; typedef int32_t TypeDefinitionIndex; typedef int32_t FieldIndex; typedef int32_t DefaultValueIndex; typedef int32_t DefaultValueDataIndex; typedef int32_t CustomAttributeIndex; typedef int32_t ParameterIndex; typedef int32_t MethodIndex; typedef int32_t GenericMethodIndex; typedef int32_t PropertyIndex; typedef int32_t EventIndex; typedef int32_t GenericContainerIndex; typedef int32_t GenericParameterIndex; typedef int16_t GenericParameterConstraintIndex; typedef int32_t NestedTypeIndex; typedef int32_t InterfacesIndex; typedef int32_t VTableIndex; typedef int32_t InterfaceOffsetIndex; typedef int32_t RGCTXIndex; typedef int32_t StringIndex; typedef int32_t StringLiteralIndex; typedef int32_t GenericInstIndex; typedef int32_t ImageIndex; typedef int32_t AssemblyIndex; typedef int32_t InteropDataIndex; const TypeIndex kTypeIndexInvalid = -1; const TypeDefinitionIndex kTypeDefinitionIndexInvalid = -1; const DefaultValueDataIndex kDefaultValueIndexNull = -1; const EventIndex kEventIndexInvalid = -1; const FieldIndex kFieldIndexInvalid = -1; const MethodIndex kMethodIndexInvalid = -1; const PropertyIndex kPropertyIndexInvalid = -1; const GenericContainerIndex kGenericContainerIndexInvalid = -1; const GenericParameterIndex kGenericParameterIndexInvalid = -1; const RGCTXIndex kRGCTXIndexInvalid = -1; const StringLiteralIndex kStringLiteralIndexInvalid = -1; const InteropDataIndex kInteropDataIndexInvalid = -1; // Encoded index (1 bit) // MethodDef - 0 // MethodSpec - 1 // We use the top 3 bits to indicate what table to index into // Type Binary Hex // Il2CppClass 001 0x20000000 // Il2CppType 010 0x40000000 // MethodInfo 011 0x60000000 // FieldInfo 100 0x80000000 // StringLiteral 101 0xA0000000 // MethodRef 110 0xC0000000 typedef uint32_t EncodedMethodIndex; enum Il2CppMetadataUsage { kIl2CppMetadataUsageInvalid, kIl2CppMetadataUsageTypeInfo, kIl2CppMetadataUsageIl2CppType, kIl2CppMetadataUsageMethodDef, kIl2CppMetadataUsageFieldInfo, kIl2CppMetadataUsageStringLiteral, kIl2CppMetadataUsageMethodRef, }; static inline Il2CppMetadataUsage GetEncodedIndexType(EncodedMethodIndex index) { return (Il2CppMetadataUsage)((index & 0xE0000000) >> 29); } static inline uint32_t GetDecodedMethodIndex(EncodedMethodIndex index) { return index & 0x1FFFFFFFU; } struct Il2CppImage; struct Il2CppType; struct Il2CppTypeDefinitionMetadata; union Il2CppRGCTXDefinitionData { int32_t rgctxDataDummy; MethodIndex methodIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; }; enum Il2CppRGCTXDataType { IL2CPP_RGCTX_DATA_INVALID, IL2CPP_RGCTX_DATA_TYPE, IL2CPP_RGCTX_DATA_CLASS, IL2CPP_RGCTX_DATA_METHOD, IL2CPP_RGCTX_DATA_ARRAY, }; struct Il2CppRGCTXDefinition { Il2CppRGCTXDataType type; Il2CppRGCTXDefinitionData data; }; struct Il2CppInterfaceOffsetPair { TypeIndex interfaceTypeIndex; int32_t offset; }; struct Il2CppTypeDefinition { StringIndex nameIndex; StringIndex namespaceIndex; CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex; TypeIndex byvalTypeIndex; TypeIndex byrefTypeIndex; TypeIndex declaringTypeIndex; TypeIndex parentIndex; TypeIndex elementTypeIndex; // we can probably remove this one. Only used for enums RGCTXIndex rgctxStartIndex; int32_t rgctxCount; GenericContainerIndex genericContainerIndex; uint32_t flags; FieldIndex fieldStart; MethodIndex methodStart; EventIndex eventStart; PropertyIndex propertyStart; NestedTypeIndex nestedTypesStart; InterfacesIndex interfacesStart; VTableIndex vtableStart; InterfacesIndex interfaceOffsetsStart; uint16_t method_count; uint16_t property_count; uint16_t field_count; uint16_t event_count; uint16_t nested_type_count; uint16_t vtable_count; uint16_t interfaces_count; uint16_t interface_offsets_count; // bitfield to portably encode boolean values as single bits // 01 - valuetype; // 02 - enumtype; // 03 - has_finalize; // 04 - has_cctor; // 05 - is_blittable; // 06 - is_import_or_windows_runtime; // 07-10 - One of nine possible PackingSize values (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128) uint32_t bitfield; uint32_t token; }; struct Il2CppFieldDefinition { StringIndex nameIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex; uint32_t token; }; struct Il2CppFieldDefaultValue { FieldIndex fieldIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; DefaultValueDataIndex dataIndex; }; struct Il2CppFieldMarshaledSize { FieldIndex fieldIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; int32_t size; }; struct Il2CppFieldRef { TypeIndex typeIndex; FieldIndex fieldIndex; // local offset into type fields }; struct Il2CppParameterDefinition { StringIndex nameIndex; uint32_t token; CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; }; struct Il2CppParameterDefaultValue { ParameterIndex parameterIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; DefaultValueDataIndex dataIndex; }; struct Il2CppMethodDefinition { StringIndex nameIndex; TypeDefinitionIndex declaringType; TypeIndex returnType; ParameterIndex parameterStart; CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex; GenericContainerIndex genericContainerIndex; MethodIndex methodIndex; MethodIndex invokerIndex; MethodIndex reversePInvokeWrapperIndex; RGCTXIndex rgctxStartIndex; int32_t rgctxCount; uint32_t token; uint16_t flags; uint16_t iflags; uint16_t slot; uint16_t parameterCount; }; struct Il2CppEventDefinition { StringIndex nameIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; MethodIndex add; MethodIndex remove; MethodIndex raise; CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex; uint32_t token; }; struct Il2CppPropertyDefinition { StringIndex nameIndex; MethodIndex get; MethodIndex set; uint32_t attrs; CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex; uint32_t token; }; struct Il2CppMethodSpec { MethodIndex methodDefinitionIndex; GenericInstIndex classIndexIndex; GenericInstIndex methodIndexIndex; }; struct Il2CppStringLiteral { uint32_t length; StringLiteralIndex dataIndex; }; struct Il2CppGenericMethodIndices { MethodIndex methodIndex; MethodIndex invokerIndex; }; struct Il2CppGenericMethodFunctionsDefinitions { GenericMethodIndex genericMethodIndex; Il2CppGenericMethodIndices indices; }; const int kPublicKeyByteLength = 8; struct Il2CppAssemblyName { StringIndex nameIndex; StringIndex cultureIndex; StringIndex hashValueIndex; StringIndex publicKeyIndex; uint32_t hash_alg; int32_t hash_len; uint32_t flags; int32_t major; int32_t minor; int32_t build; int32_t revision; uint8_t publicKeyToken[kPublicKeyByteLength]; }; struct Il2CppImageDefinition { StringIndex nameIndex; AssemblyIndex assemblyIndex; TypeDefinitionIndex typeStart; uint32_t typeCount; TypeDefinitionIndex exportedTypeStart; uint32_t exportedTypeCount; MethodIndex entryPointIndex; uint32_t token; }; struct Il2CppAssembly { ImageIndex imageIndex; CustomAttributeIndex customAttributeIndex; int32_t referencedAssemblyStart; int32_t referencedAssemblyCount; Il2CppAssemblyName aname; }; struct Il2CppMetadataUsageList { uint32_t start; uint32_t count; }; struct Il2CppMetadataUsagePair { uint32_t destinationIndex; uint32_t encodedSourceIndex; }; struct Il2CppCustomAttributeTypeRange { int32_t start; int32_t count; }; struct Il2CppRange { int32_t start; int32_t length; }; struct Il2CppWindowsRuntimeTypeNamePair { StringIndex nameIndex; TypeIndex typeIndex; }; #pragma pack(push, p1,4) struct Il2CppGlobalMetadataHeader { int32_t sanity; int32_t version; int32_t stringLiteralOffset; // string data for managed code int32_t stringLiteralCount; int32_t stringLiteralDataOffset; int32_t stringLiteralDataCount; int32_t stringOffset; // string data for metadata int32_t stringCount; int32_t eventsOffset; // Il2CppEventDefinition int32_t eventsCount; int32_t propertiesOffset; // Il2CppPropertyDefinition int32_t propertiesCount; int32_t methodsOffset; // Il2CppMethodDefinition int32_t methodsCount; int32_t parameterDefaultValuesOffset; // Il2CppParameterDefaultValue int32_t parameterDefaultValuesCount; int32_t fieldDefaultValuesOffset; // Il2CppFieldDefaultValue int32_t fieldDefaultValuesCount; int32_t fieldAndParameterDefaultValueDataOffset; // uint8_t int32_t fieldAndParameterDefaultValueDataCount; int32_t fieldMarshaledSizesOffset; // Il2CppFieldMarshaledSize int32_t fieldMarshaledSizesCount; int32_t parametersOffset; // Il2CppParameterDefinition int32_t parametersCount; int32_t fieldsOffset; // Il2CppFieldDefinition int32_t fieldsCount; int32_t genericParametersOffset; // Il2CppGenericParameter int32_t genericParametersCount; int32_t genericParameterConstraintsOffset; // TypeIndex int32_t genericParameterConstraintsCount; int32_t genericContainersOffset; // Il2CppGenericContainer int32_t genericContainersCount; int32_t nestedTypesOffset; // TypeDefinitionIndex int32_t nestedTypesCount; int32_t interfacesOffset; // TypeIndex int32_t interfacesCount; int32_t vtableMethodsOffset; // EncodedMethodIndex int32_t vtableMethodsCount; int32_t interfaceOffsetsOffset; // Il2CppInterfaceOffsetPair int32_t interfaceOffsetsCount; int32_t typeDefinitionsOffset; // Il2CppTypeDefinition int32_t typeDefinitionsCount; int32_t rgctxEntriesOffset; // Il2CppRGCTXDefinition int32_t rgctxEntriesCount; int32_t imagesOffset; // Il2CppImageDefinition int32_t imagesCount; int32_t assembliesOffset; // Il2CppAssemblyDefinition int32_t assembliesCount; int32_t metadataUsageListsOffset; // Il2CppMetadataUsageList int32_t metadataUsageListsCount; int32_t metadataUsagePairsOffset; // Il2CppMetadataUsagePair int32_t metadataUsagePairsCount; int32_t fieldRefsOffset; // Il2CppFieldRef int32_t fieldRefsCount; int32_t referencedAssembliesOffset; // int32_t int32_t referencedAssembliesCount; int32_t attributesInfoOffset; // Il2CppCustomAttributeTypeRange int32_t attributesInfoCount; int32_t attributeTypesOffset; // TypeIndex int32_t attributeTypesCount; int32_t unresolvedVirtualCallParameterTypesOffset; // TypeIndex int32_t unresolvedVirtualCallParameterTypesCount; int32_t unresolvedVirtualCallParameterRangesOffset; // Il2CppRange int32_t unresolvedVirtualCallParameterRangesCount; int32_t windowsRuntimeTypeNamesOffset; // Il2CppWindowsRuntimeTypeNamePair int32_t windowsRuntimeTypeNamesSize; int32_t exportedTypeDefinitionsOffset; // TypeDefinitionIndex int32_t exportedTypeDefinitionsCount; }; #pragma pack(pop, p1) #if RUNTIME_MONO #pragma pack(push, p1,4) struct Il2CppGlobalMonoMetadataHeader { int32_t sanity; int32_t version; int32_t stringOffset; // string data for metadata int32_t stringCount; int32_t methodInfoMappingOffset; // hash -> MonoMethodInfo mapping int32_t methodInfoMappingCount; int32_t genericMethodInfoMappingOffset; // hash -> generic MonoMethodInfo mapping int32_t genericMethodInfoMappingCount; int32_t rgctxIndicesOffset; // runtime generic context indices int32_t rgctxIndicesCount; int32_t rgctxInfoOffset; // runtime generic context info int32_t rgctxInfoCount; int32_t monoStringOffset; // mono strings int32_t monoStringCount; int32_t methodMetadataOffset; // method metadata int32_t methodMetadataCount; int32_t genericArgumentIndicesOffset; // generic argument indices int32_t genericArgumentIndicesCount; int32_t typeTableOffset; // type table int32_t typeTableCount; int32_t fieldTableOffset; // field table int32_t fieldTableCount; int32_t methodIndexTableOffset; // method index table int32_t methodIndexTableCount; int32_t genericMethodIndexTableOffset; // generic method index table int32_t genericMethodIndexTableCount; int32_t metaDataUsageListsTableOffset; // meta data usage lists table int32_t metaDataUsageListsTableCount; int32_t metaDataUsagePairsTableOffset; // meta data usage pairs table int32_t metaDataUsagePairsTableCount; int32_t assemblyNameTableOffset; // assembly names int32_t assemblyNameTableCount; }; #pragma pack(pop, p1) #endif