jianboliang d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
FootRight8_CalInertialAndMag.csv d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
LoggedData1_CalInertialAndMag.csv d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
LoggedData2_CalInertialAndMag.csv d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
LoggedData3.csv d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
LoggedData_CalInertialAndMag.csv d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
README.md d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
SixDofAnimation.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
compVq.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
main.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
new_scipt.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
orien.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
plot_result.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
result.txt d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
test.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce
zupt.m d19355a27e basic reserse dir 4 yıl önce



EKF IMU Fusion Algorithms

  1. orien.m uses Kalman filter for fusing the gyroscope's and accelerometer's readings to get the IMU's attitude(quaternion).
  2. zupt.m implenments the so called 'zero-velocity-update' algorithm for pedestrian tracking(gait tracking), it's also a ekf filter.
  3. Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg2NjI4NTI4NA==.html


Example data already included.
Simply run the orien.m or zupt.m. For zupt, set 'CreateVideo' as true if you'd like to save the results as a video.
Note that the datasets and the code for visualizing the results were from: https://github.com/xioTechnologies/Gait-Tracking-With-x-IMU


[1] S. Madgwick. An efficient orientation filter for inertial and inertial/magnetic sensor arrays.
[2] Fischer C, et. Implementing a Pedestrian Tracker Using inertial Sensors.
[3] Isaac Skog, et. Zero-Velocity Detection — An Algorithm Evaluation.